
ruin of one’s own interests (merriam-webster)

to kill (oneself)

i have never considered it  (too many of mom st. lousie katherine kneuper martin’s genes)

(well this morning i was suicidally contemplating an aggressive Warring risk which might trigger nuclear war/”world war III.  …  yes, i do have some of dad alton martin’s genes)


there are so many reasons to live:


the innate drive to keep self/your own genes around

significant others!

grandchildren saying “i love you grandpa”


nature; texas hill country (which is heaven), texas’ winecups, the springs & falls in texas (short … but heaven)

art; Willie Nelson-type music

a quest for knowledge, wisdom, prudence

even a face-to-face love for an inept, corrupt, immoral and unethical politician, preacher, teacher and asshole like donald j. trump … or his trumpians and trumpsters (or trump’s buddies valdimir putin, kim jong-un, jair bolsonaro et al.)/for a crazy relative dad alton said didn’t have any sense anyway/for holohoax uncle bernard kneuper et al.



suicide?  (risking “suicide”)

nationalism/patriotism, neoliberal capitalism, transnational corporations

military.  soldiers.  guns.  more nuclear arms.

ukrainian’s taking up arms against russia.  War

supporting ukraine with armaments of War …

thirteen thousand-plus nuclear Warheads possessed by a very irrational species

(and the obviously irrational actions by this species of: “More Is More,” MAGA, nationalism & patriotism, neoliberal capitalism, transnational corporate consumption, artificialization, “racism,” hate of skin pigmentation/a different sexual anatomy, physiology, and sexual orientation/language/ethnicity/culture, destruction of sustainable social fabric and dynamic homeostatic symbioses


no matter

after suicide, members of the species will ascend into heaven

what?  you think they won’t?


*Many of us have personally experienced it.  I do not wish to be flippant about it. …  Suicide wrecks lives in many ways.  …

As far as I am concerned, those who commit it, do go to Heaven!



7 S’s / VV-.^^



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