What I jot down rapidly this morning in my attention deficit psyche is quite obvious and simplistic. But hopefully it contributes a bit to positively ethical applied community ecology, PEACEmaking.
Politics are corrupt because demos is corrupt*.
I could relate a story of my personal corrupt (political) activities, for example, while serving with Jim Hightower’s Texas Department of Agriculture , but won’t at this time. Suffice it to say that there was some corruption in the wonderfully amazing group of humans of all colors, sexual persausions, and economic status, etc. working to change the world under the direction of DeMarco** & Hightower.
I suppose I am democratic ecosocialist? And because of my perception of their ideologies, good intentions, and effective actions (and despite various levels of “corruption”), I will, or would, definitely vote for Beto O’Rourke, Lula***, Stacey Abrams, and folk of their political ilk in the current election cycle!
7 S’s / VV->^^
*Corruption–dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people. Merriam-Webster
** Learning from DeMarco • Hightower Lowdown