i have only myself to blame
still … I have no shame
or was it was dad & mom … those genes a-stringing?
and christian upbringing
genetics, epigenetics, ambience
four siblings, and brother Lawrence

not real needs, but wants
these are what my, our living system mostly flaunts
i have not cut warmongers or even ignorant, innocent soldiers slack
dynamic homeostatic symbioses, biodiversity, photosysnthesizers, quality life-giving water & topsoil, havenot-humans … we truly worry little about their backs
gotta keep neoliberal capitalism, consumerism, growth, artificialization, exploitation of others, of nature, … Wars … on track
(it was rice u. philosopher timothy morton who suggested symbioses was better
dynamic homeostatic symbioses more truly communicates “nature,” didn’t you get the letter)

“you are a turd”
“that is besteira (bs) according to the science, the truth I have heard”
i did say that
as if i am always the only bit of biota at bat
but are we all that … a turd
mostly going along with the herd
still … listen!!!
those of you to the left, you who are apathetically complacent, knuckleheads to the right
(uh oh, i did it again
i so love to sin)
those of you in cars; wasteful air-conditioned mcmansions; eating meals from distant lands; soldiers of the red, white, or blue always wrapped up in a wrongful fight
a quest for basic needs yes …
but at least one-half billion of us have greedily perceived needs and should do with less
another maybe three billion truly must have more
even the beautiful, but in so many ways desperately needy, whore
(i hate that word “whore” and others we use derogatorily like it
but it rhymed and seemed to fit)
we have needs of good nutritious food, appropriate shelter & clothing, basic sexual & recreational, leisure needs; physiological, psychological, sociopolitical, ecologically economic
but pleeease don’t overdo it, especially the atomic
(can’t forget about internal, familial, friendly local and global communication needs
more important than all the greeds)
why did this stream
like a very crazy dream?
the year 2022 started again without the family of my oldest son
january and february the wonderful land of lula and bolsonaro … and lots of fun
being with friends i haven’t seen in years
some of whom brought me, bring me to tears
a country of many kinds of loves which will last
and i am trying to not be crass
in 2022 i so wanted Honduras & Nicaragua to happen for me & ye
but it wasn’t to be
still I did get in a visit to deyling who fled to Wisconsin
he is on the way to being documented … and in
fifty-one years of marriage to elizabeth florence hoffman martin from rio!!!
yes indeed, it is hard to believe she would stick it out with me-o

the best of times were ecological activities with youth
“kids on the land,” generations indigenous ways, the outdoor learning center, master naturalists, grandkids …now that is the truth
and hey … ecology is the study of it ALL!!!
PEACE, Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology … if you don’t believe it you surely will fall

city manager steve parker stirred me up considerably at a lulac banquet in seguin, texas with his worship of growth
(i am too hard on him
nevertheless, this is only a venial sin)
and out of it came numerous visits & presentations of local government meetings and i am sorry, but i am not much of a believer in patriotism or troth

and now the election sliding into not so holyday times
i think i am sick of the chimes
we need a revolution a systematic system change
but we are just not-simply getting much too much of the same
there is more
but i suppose i’d best run to the neoliberal capitalistic store
7 S’s / VV->^^