Some big “hoaxes”, more or less in order of magnitude …
o “Positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE” is a pipedream.
Continue to live the life of a conspicuously-consuming neoliberal capitalist, go to church, believe in “God” & pray to “Him!” … and you will be blessed, in bliss, and in Heaven one day (after you pass).
o War, nuclear arms (arms period), military/soldiers are inevitable.
o Poor havenots are poor havenots because they are lazy and deserve to be poor havenots.
“America” tried to educate them and help them out–in places all over the world. But they are simply too lazy. Now they are the “ne’er-do-wells,” the homeless, the indigenous, the browns & blacks, the various ethnicities & and “other than Christian”, the “llegals”, the poor deservedly powerless havenots … which exist all over the world and now UNDESERVEDLY wish to exist within or want to come to … our greedy, exploitive, militaristic, Powerful nation to share in the resources we have accumulated with our tremendous “God”-given Power (via Land grabs, genocide, slavery, usury-/ponzi-/financial-manipulative-schemes, military might) here on Eaarth.
o Trump (as a good and moral leader, or leader period, who deserved the Power he inherited/accumulated in his lifetime).
o Fossil energy & materials.
o “More Is More!” We must have growth, growth, growth. To hell with limits.
(Oh come on … certainly we can (religiously) have infinite economic growth … big airconditioned homes, exotic foods/shrimp from all over Eaarth, glamorous clothes … on this marvelous finite planet. … You just have to believe.)
o Laissez-faire neoliberal capitalism bests highly/smartly-regulated capitalism or democratic ecosocialism.
o Reagan’s America/the American Dream/the U.S. was/is the “shining city on the hill.”
o Not to worry. Fusion energy will save us.
o Cryptocurrencies are better than the people’s government-backed monies.
o Technology is inherently good.
o Agriculture/agrilogistics is inherently good.
o Green energy is the answer.
o On this expansive Eaarth, cars, air travel, big recreational cruise ships are inevitable.
o Professional sports is good for “positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE.”
o Human and domesticated species possible numbers should not be regulated. Anywhere. Humans and domesticated species belong “in the numbers wished” by the Powers than be … in all locales across the Eaarth.
o Space exploation is the answer to Eaarth’s challenges/problems.
o “Education” at large prestigious universities/schools vs. small socio-ecological learning institutions or environments/liberal arts & small “green” colleges is The Way toward “positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE.”
7 S’s / VV>^^