I do not not really understand hate of other living things. Moreover, I do not understand unforgiveness. Both result in so many maladies.
I do not understand how anyone can receive a gift without saying thank you. (A mark of educated persons is that they are grateful for the gifts given them.)
All should be welcomed into each others village, in each others home. (Caring and sharing is super-important!)
Yes, moreso than others, respect is a complicated and “loaded” word. … Nevertheless, I do believe all should have a respect for their elders, no matter how “bad” these elders might be. (A mark of educated persons is that they give [warranted?] respect to all, and all others.)
Conspicuous consumption and greed can easily sneak up on you! Frugality and humility take discipline, practice, perseverance, work.
I believe there is (potential for) good in the baddest and (potential for)bad in the goodest.
Communication can be impossible. But we do have to try! Also, communication does take a village. Finally, failure to communicate results in so many maladies. … (More is not more. “Less Is More.”)
To boot …
“All things must pass
All things must pass away” George Harrison

7 S’s / VV->^^