I (I suppose obviously?) am happy with … my never-satisfied self, … my loving wife who is so much more accepting of status quo than I, and all of the others around me … from my wonderful grandkids that I see regularly to those I haven’t seen in years, to those I have the utmost respect for the good they do socially/ecologically like Marvel Maddox, Peggy Maddox & Mum Dickson, Darryl Birkenfield et al., to my leftist & right-wing tennis buddies, to my youngest brother (who thinks so very differently than I) as well as Trump/DeSantis/Marjorie Taylor Greene, Putin, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Netanyahu, Orban … et al.
(Even though these last sorts mentioned are currently more numerous than in the past, they have always existed and to be happy is to accept this “inevitable” situation … at least in some sense and to a certain extent.)
Still … we can do much, much better. Therefore I do speak out again the ignorance, hypocrisy, and actions of the latter individuals mentioned. My genetics, epigenetics and my village in which I was formed along with other past enviromental influences demand this. Lately even my dreams while sleeping demand that a neo-Earth and peoples of socio-ecological justice develop from this current Eaarth.
I do wish that rather than being simply a hysterical ranter, tree-hugger, bleeding-heart Liberal,Totalitarian-Communist sympathizer, irresponsible (night & day)-dreamer, pitiful adult with white guilt, or toxic-uncaring grandpa*, I will begin to make better use of this blog, poetry, classic and contemporary pieces of scholarly writings and art which are solid analysis of human nature (from a socio-ecological perspective). I hope that I will continue my current collaborative volunteer efforts toward quality life for all on this Eaarth (ecological-learning activities with youth, service activities in Latin America mostly to communicate & better understand their status here on Eaarth, and work with Luiza Rosa to realize better versions of Games We Play. More Than 200,000 Years of Living Truthfully and 5,000 of Searching For Truth [and better titles for these versions]).
*I have been called all of these. Because of the contrarian life-style of my humble, frugal, honest parents of integrity and similar characteristics and behaviors in many of my village of Devine during my formative years, these labels truly don’t bother me. In fact, I wear some of them, or aspects of some of them, proudly!
7 S’s / VV->^^