Learning Call_03-21-23_Sustainability-Video.mp4 – Google Drive
Small Steps in Sustainability OC Call Resources 3-21-2023 – Google Drive
This was a rewarding learning process for me to facilitate … and an honor. (And tonight, April 18, 2023 it happens again with Blaze Diamond, regional Coordinator for Ogallala Commons
Staff – Ogallala Commons doing the facilitating!)
My outline for our program on March 21st follows:
“Ogallala Commons One Sustainability Thing” (ZOOM Mar 21, 7-8 pm CDT)
Play … (140) Wonder If The World Can Wait That Long by Adam Wright (lyric video). – YouTube
1.Props in the background … Bicycle, disposable plastic bags/reusable plastic bags/homemade cloth bag, plastic bottle of water/cup, reusable bowl/utensils, clothesline w/ pins, turnips/nopales/Smilax tendrils/ Amaranthus/ stinging nettles, venison/dandelions, food scraps/leaf compost, native grass, power strip, blkbrd & chalk. (I am here just as you, fellow OC alumni, … to learn in our life journey, in solidarity, from each other about how to decision-make & act toward a better world [Please do challenge me, speak out, comment, & do ask questions!]).
2. Life = Matter (from “nature”) + energy (solar including fossil /”photosynthesizers in nature”)
Illustration of ecological footprint of humans (QUESTIONS???)
3. Stewardship of nature and one simple thing for a more sustainable life. What is stewardship, nature, and sustainable life? … In your head. Now share.
4. Low hanging fruit for sustainable actions. … In your head. Now each share your number one!
5. Some tougher actions toward sustainability. … In your head. Now each share your number one!
6. Read over pp. 235-7 , pp. 22-5, pp.168-70, pp. 198 from Games We Play (kite.pub) for homework.
Play … (125) Josh Grider – Good People (Official Music Video) 4k – YouTube
pbm (7 S’s/VV->^^)