(45) Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube
Mom St. Louise, Dad, Roy Orbison, Uncle Peggy, Tony & Robert Cruz, Coach Gus, Ruth Allen, Mrs. Wilkinson & Belew, Lacy Haywood, Dr. Joe Schaffner, Pete Lingren, ELIZABETH FLORENCE HOFFMANN MARTIN (Betsy), Johnny Hoffmann, David Pimentel, Alton Sparks, Jeremy Bain, John Alton, Angela Elizabeth, Marcio Naves, Ag Commisioner Jim Hightower, Senator Walter Richter, Dolores Avalos, Darryl Birkenfeld, Lanier Byrd, Peggy Maddox, Marvel Maddox, Mattson Ranier and many others have made a good life for me (and We)

i have been fortunate to have had some decent genes & epigenetic effects, and to have lived in some pretty good villages in south central texas, florida, georgia, & brasil
all in all i have had good luck in human relationships, have lived in aspects of dynamic homeostatic symbioses & Eaarth which could be considered AMAZINGLY beautiful, and have had almost 77 years of wonderful music (mostly on AM-KTSA & -KONO and FM-KNBT, but also on Brazilian radio & KILI radio, Pine Ridge Reservation, “Voice of the Lakota Nation”) and delicious, nutritious food
i survived pneumonia as a baby, landing on a picket fence while playing chase in an old live oak tree at the keilman’s place near devine-tx, falling asleep twice in one night at the wheel of a semi-trailer truck when i was ca. 16, an avalanche of cottonseed hulls in a dangerous feedmill at 17 years of age, poisoning by a carbamate cotton pesticide (aldicarb) in usda field-14 south of college station, a brief period in naval air and a couple of close calls in a t-34 & 28, and other near snuffings-out of my little insignificant but very fortunate life
i have been lucky to have done some writing of which i have some satisfaction in completing … a research paper on the boer war in ms. allen’s english class, a doctoral dissertation at uf on population dynamics of some interesting insects, a paper on action thresholds for fall armyworm in a sustainable agricultural system in the florida entomologist, a paper on “positively ethical applied community ecology’/PEACE across curricula & campuses at a conference of scholars & academicians, and the recent little book on applied ecology in english and (hopefully) soon to be out in portuguese … (and numerous other little referred and non-referred publications)
i have indeed been a fortunate son! i am grateful for what has been a very lucky life of great relationships & learning and fantastic adventure & enjoyment
pbm 7 S’s/VV->^^
(I write this as Slaid Cleaves sings another great one on 92.1 FM KNBT-New Braunfels, TX!
(45) Second Hand – YouTube )