Obviously “Less Is More!” We must be advocates for and practitioners of degrowth. … (Moreover, “’Green’ growth is a ‘fantasy’ with ‘no empirical support.’” [Economic anthropologist Jason Hickel])

We DESPERATELY need “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology”/PEACE across the curricula & campuses of all human organizational entities in order to realize critical thinking, decision-making, and appropriate individual & collective actions.
Industrial agriculture, neoliberal capitalism, and growth are responsible for loss of topsoil, quality air and quality water, loss of biodiversity & photosynthesizers … and net primary primary productivity, and loss of effective capture and useful transformation of daily solar energy.
The use of automobiles as we do in the U.S., and more and more in other parts of Eaarth (whether they be gasoline, diesel, natural gas, or electricity), is simply not right. We need to be doing more walking, and using bicycles and/or efficient mass transport.
The amount and type of gun ownership in the U.S. (and reason for it, i.e. largely growth dependent neoliberal capitalism) is morally & ethically wrong and a major factor in these currently regular mass shootings (circa 2023).
War is insane and a mortal sin. Militarism, soldiering, and production of armaments should be abolished.
Trumpism, MAGAism, its right-wing authoritarian populism and nationalism, neofascism, collective narcissim, Trumpian falsehoods and effective conning (inequities, walls, fences, political border boundaries) run counter to the “Golden Rule” and are not good for quality life for all for as long as possible. Trumpism has little to do with the realization of socio-ecological justice. (And I don’t mind “bashing” it [Trumpism] and the Trumpsters who support it … even if Trumpster-support of Trumpism might be a result of [self-imposed] ignorance.)
There can always be repentance, forgiveness, … and … reparations!

“God” is a mystery. That is why I (and in Truth, everyone) am (is) an ignostic … or agnostic. … Do not try to blame “God” for your shortcomings relative to growth, use of inappropriate technologies, War, Trumpism, etc.
I do love all living things … including Trump, Bolsonaro, Orbán, Erdoğan, and others of their ilk. … And it is possible to fight very, very strongly and passionately against their corrupt plans, policies, and actions and still love them.
Profanity can be a succinctly effective communication tool. (“Screw you! We’re from Texas!”
(45) Ray Wylie Hubbard “Screw You, We’re From Texas” – YouTube )
ALL OF THIS I WOULD SHOUT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN! and I fervently hope my siblings, family, and true friends will join me in my desired change from this Eaarth to a neo-Earth.
(If you are complacently & apathetically shouting [or whispering under your breath] … that War & militarism, ubiquitous ownership of guns & automobiles, and growth are inevitable, that “All I can worry about is self & family!” and that “We can’t save the whole world!,” that “I am blessed and God will care for me!!!,” that all we need to do is pray to the Lord, or that you will soon pass and you aren’t going to worry about soio-ecological justice …
then I [and Jesus of Nazareth and the many other humanitarians who were on Earth in the past or currently exist] have little use for you.)
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