In a poem inspired by one hero of mine, Waylon Gaddie
… (By the way, a very fine Elder & laddie) …
… In this “Poem of Hope. Prayer for Life-Sustaining Soft Power on Earth” 1 …
I mention that the Lakota language is void of the harsh cursing words we genocidal-tending, species-eliminating, colonizing neoliberal-capitalistic white people frequently use … in times of passion & anger/when words “are dearth” of mirth
As a waṡicu I do possess a considerable history of profanity, but in recent times the art of Ray Wiley Hubbard has showed me the way to a more appropriate irreverent form
For me … in my heart, soul, and little brain … Ray Wiley has made my life more of a norm
Ray’s helped me greatly in dealing with the BS emanating … from some of my family members … & from my Abbott/Patrick/Cruz/Miller-state of Texas 2; … from Trumpsters and many others of the immoral & unethical “right” (socio-politically), and … from much of the world which is lacking in a profound & holistic educational foundation of “positively ethical applied community ecology, or PEACE,” & not able to CRITICALLY THINK, DECISION-MAKE, AND ACT
Three brothers told me to be more succinct or put on the lid
Therefore “profanely” with words learned in divine Devine-Texas early on from my Dad and from crusty old truck-drivers et al. when I worked pitch-forking green beans & feijão-Vigna around the old railroad platform during my elementary school days in the 1950’s … in a limited way, I did! 3
However, the irreverent words of Ray Hubbard are even more succinct than my own, … “Screw you, we’re from Texas” 4 … and though they may be lame
They keep me from going insane (Crazy, yes indeed, but not insane) 5
1 Pages 100-110 in: Games We Play (
2 “Hell paul bain, all these guns we regular folk in Texas possess prevent China and Russia and other powers from invading us! … Oh! that little fact about gun deaths rising in the U.S. and our numbers being some of the highest in the world? Well, it IS certainly better that we kill ourselves than having some Chinese or Russian come over and do it! Moreover, with all of the guns and other armaments we produce for the world, the rest of the Eaarth will catch up with us soon. And “finally,”, with our ubiquitous miltiary and all these new U.S. drones in foreign lands, we do a pretty good job or killing potential immigants from Trump’s s-hole counties. … And, oh by the way, don’t you know? GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE! …”
3 “I can’t deny that Heaven lies beneath a cotton dress” “You be the sinner, honey, I’ll be the sin” “Loving a woman who can out-cuss any man Tell the devil that I’m gettin’ there as fast as I can”
“‘I just got tired of God doggin’ me around’ And the fallen angels just laugh” “The devil is bad and God of course is good But there’s one thing I never understood God throws us down in hell for all our sins Burning in a fire and it never ends” “What you won’t find up in heaven are Christian Coalition right-wing conservatives” Ray Wylie Hubbard Songs: The 25 Best, Ranked (
4 (45) Ray Wylie Hubbard “Screw You, We’re From Texas” – YouTube
5 (45) Waylon Jennings – I’ve Always Been Crazy – YouTube
pbm 7 S’s/VV->^^ (aka “don quixote”)