All you wonderful Mothers, and others:
I do hope you have/had a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!
(Nevertheless on this day of celebration of motherhood … as we ride/rode through Seguin heading for Rio in Medina Co., Texas, the home of the formative-years of smiling/loving [my love] Betsy & home of my 94-yr-old Mother-in-law who lives alone on the hill over the Medina River …
and as I observe all this CRAZY/SENSELESS development and artificialization … and as once again (of many agains) I am reminded of our severely sick (and greedily sinful) addiction to consumption, neoliberal capitalism/militarism, and extraction from Nature,
I want all of you Moms (dear stay-at-home Mothers/home-makers, builders & handy-women and cleaners of homes & businesses, secretaries, musicians/songwriters/artists, lawyers, farmers, teachers, healthcare providers, and especially real estate developers, realtors, businesswomen, entrepreneurers … and soldiers, and those of many other livelihoods) …
who truly Care …
to begin to focus on study & learning of ecological principles & processes and moral & ethical values of “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE.”
Please TRY to understand that this rampant real estate/business development, industrial agriculture, “plasticizing” & artificialization, and fastly expanding artificial coverage of/destruction of good farmland & natural lands (Thoreau’s Nature, Hardin’s Commons, Leopold’s Land) and our currently unbridled general developmental extraction from Nature (or dynamic homeostatic symbioses) lacks critical thinking and is socially & ecologically injust. … It destroys the essential foundational fabric of Nature on which we all depend and which is necessarily connected to what might be a sustainable social fabric … if it is truly for quality life for ALL, including future generations.
This sick artificialization destroys precious topsoil, pollutes the air, rids quality life of appropriate distribution of adequate quantities of quality water, reduces biodiversity and the processes for providing necessary photosynthetic-dependent net primary productivity and effective capture of daily solar energy.
This artificialization is simply not resilient or sustainable. It truly is unjust & sinful. We might modify the title of Niebuhr’s classic work which deals with our current state to: “Immoral & Unethical Man AND Immoral & Unethical Society!”
Come on Moms et al.!!!
Abide by the Golden Rule, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and the Precautionary Principle … and other ecological principles & processes.
Put a stop to disparity/inequity (and WAR & mass shootings) and overshoot and drawdown of the natural resource base … and ecological ignorance.
Help lighten our individual & collective ecological footprints.
Truly love all life, recent & wannabe immigrants, all kinds of people, other species! Fight for gun control and antimilitarism and degrowth. Rid ourselves of big/wasteful, ecologically destructive homes. Rid ourselves of cars and do more walking, bicycling, & using of mass transport. Produce & process more local foods, and use more local products for fiber & shelter. Tear down walls and fences (including “Holistic Management” fences) and dissolve other barriers/borders.
Profoundly & holistically COMMUNICATE!
Always remember “Less Is More!”
Care … and Share!!!
Com amor!
7 S’s/VV->^^