sure!!!! “at the end of the day,” as they often say,
homo sapiens will fizzle away
my department chair, dr. william conan davis, a man i respected
he was almost always objective and not subjective
we discussed much; and, dr. davis did sometimes express his dislike for my use of the term “fizzle”
even if my employment of it was just a drizzle
nevertheless, … i do strongly believe in a profoundly holistic ecological justice like my mentor dr. davis (who was ossie’s brother)
(and, as for these two, there will be no other)
i believe we should all look after all in this world
humans, “the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees” … squirrels … nothing hurled
with the whole of our heart
until death do we part
… “the birds and the bees
and the flowers and the trees”
… the dove “up above
and a thing called love”
pbm 7 S’s/VV->^^
*William Conan Davis – Wikipedia