a pickup and trailer runs a stop sign in west Seguin and almost runs over me & my bicycle
(this type of scary encounter of my harmless light bicycle vs. monstrous automobiles occurs once or twice a year in my current life … after 76-plus years of living and bicycling)
then the pickup driver has the stupid audacity to holler, “ride on the sidewalk, damnit”
i quickly shout back loudly, “this is my damn road too you durn ignorant pendejo!” …
and my system is totally filled with: road rage, an overload of testosterone and epinephrine, and increased blood pressure.
you automobile riders, “anti-bicycle-laners,” and gun-lovers who want no regulations of these people-killers are going to get me killed soon with your vehicle, a shooting, or a myocardial infarction …
you are going to get me killed through your durn worshipping at the altar of growth, especially for more cars, more guns, and more cosumerism & Eaarth-stress through neoliberal capitaism
(“Eaarth,” or Earth in the anthropocene, from Bill McKibben, environmental activitist and prolific author)
Let’s begin to rid ourselves, immediately, of most of these cars and much of this automobile driving. Use the roads as walking and bicycle trails (and of course for mass transport).
And … for more “sustainability ‘meat & potatoes'” …
o Quit using disposable plastic bags (and other plastics)!!! Make some “permanent” bags from old clothing, and use them.
o Keep that air-conditioning system at 80 degrees or higher … or off. (You do know it is an energetic positive-feedback mechanism for global climate change and warming??? … You do remember learning of the Second Law of Thermodynamics?)
o Growth, the buying and selling of big conventionally air-conditioned homes, and other artificial development exacerbates climate changes and the destruction of the natural resource base. … Support ecological movement efforts at degrowth.
o Conventional agriculture does so very much to faciltiate climate change, destroy topsoil, quality air & water, photosynthesizers, and biodiversity, and the effective/sustainable transformation of daily solar energy. … Put your ecological justice efforts behind transition to low-input sustainable agriculture.
Truly, “Less Is More” (from Economic Anthropologist, Jason Hickel).
Live sharingly & caringly in solidarity through sustainable livelihoods.
Live sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly, sustainably.
7 S’s/VV->^^