1. Debating, sport, etc. … all activities of life … “should be” for appropriate learning.
2. “Nothing is absolute … for individuals or for ecological communities” (except for this statement).
3. In his little world, Plato recognized to some extent Wes Jackson’s and Robert Jensen’s “Inconvenient Apocalypse.”* … The “Big Truths” (greater now than in Plato’s 427-347 BCE lifetime) are: Disparity, Overshoot, Drawdown of the Natural Resource Base; and an Ignorant, Relatively Satisfied, & Immoral Populace who don’t abide by the Golden Rule, the Precautionary Principle, or the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and don’t have an Ethos of Less Is More.
4. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties are de facto wrong, wrong, wrong in doing a Clayton Williams-number** and letting Eaarth “be raped” through neoliberal capitalistic consumerism, and associated militarism. In that sense there is little difference in the two parties.
However, the basic tenets of the Democratic Party, and goals, objectives/policy, strategies (if not tactics & actions) are head and shoulders above the Republicans*** in terms of realizing “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology, ” long-tem PEACE, socio-ecological justice, and sustainable livelihoods.
paul in vain
*Truths We Can’t Bear Alone: Facing an ‘Inconvenient Apocalypse’ • The Revelator
** Have Politicians Learned Anything Since Clayton Williams’s Campfire Rape ‘Joke’? – Texas Monthly
*** Democrat vs Republican – Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Political positions of the Democratic Party – Wikipedia
Political positions of the Republican Party – Wikipedia