“… we are, after all, striving for a better total-world to live in, and not a better way to kill FAW [fall armyworms], a more effective sampling technique for FAW, a more refined dynamic AT [action threshold] for FAW in CBG [coastal bermudagrass], or a higher quality bale of hay.”
In P. B. Martin et al. 1980. Action Thresholds for Fall Armyworm on Grain Sorghum and Coastal Bermudagrass,” pp. 375-405 Florida Entomologist 63(4)
for many very obvious reasons re status quo power or a wish for it, most aren’t concerned with PEACE
i personally have a fundamental moral & ethical faith in PEACE based on current science
i believe in a profoundly holistic abiding by the golden rule and a realizing of dynamic homeostatic symbioses including quality life for humans and other species
this is my ethos and my natural god
for most it is an Artificial God and ethos of stuff, money, profits, and self … as well as prayer to their de facto masculine super-human of a God
paul bain, in vain 7 S’s/VV->^^