Discussion my loving wife Betsy one morning …
Most recognize, we believe, the SERIOUS problems & challenges of all this rampant artificalization here on EAARTH.
Therefore …
o We MUST have degrowth
o We must wean ourselves rapidly, of fossil energy and in general, reduce artificial energy-throughput.
I could list many more of these necessary GENERAL actions, but … (“coldly”) “picking on family a bit” with some needed actions which are more specific:
… We need to realize human & domesticated animal population control. … We should distribute our wealth & power to the have-nots. … We must get rid of many of these autos. … We need to reduce our living & air-conditioned space. … Dry clothes on clothes lines. … For all short trips with little cargo, BICYCLE or walk … Avoid travel by plane & cruise ships, especially for recreation and particularly for “trophy” hunting & fishing! … We need to tone down this “Space as the next frontier” a bit, and simply take care of Earth. … We need to begin to practice what is truly profound & holistic low-input preventative health. … Etc., etc.
(I am more of a communitarian than an individualist. And I have & do recognize my crazy Republican individualist of a youngest brother, as living as a minimalist & as living low-throughput. In this, he is better than I. … But he has been conned by the Right (the wrong) and in reality does support destructive, high- input/throughput systems … and socio-ecological injustices.)
It IS imperative that we immediately begin to lay out these “bare cold Truths” “on the table” and socratically discuss ways we can address these challenges … AS FAMILIES (including babies/ the very young & the very old!), as demes, as human populations … IN SOLIDARITY. And we should begin this process immediately. Nevertheless, even just barely initiating this process is a very tough challenge!!! …
As great thinkers and scholars like the University of Texas’ Robert Jenson & the Land Institute’s, Wes Jackson point out, IT IS “AN INCONVENIENT APOCALYPSE” we are experiencing.
Nevertheless, We Haves with our tremendous Power, … simply continue to rock along in comfort in the status quo … heading along to “over the cliff’ and pulling along the rest of humanity.
paul bain, in vain 7 S’s/VV->^^