Oscar Bain! Military War killed that warm, caring, and loving flame
Who through life had much more love to give and to gain
He didn’t complain and it was inhumane
But in senseless War he was slain

Were it not for that, … well … I might still be the same
Neither he nor I should have any shame for my receiving his name
Certainly Oscar Bain is not to blame for paul bain
Yes! Perhaps I have failed Uncle Bain, Jeremy and Ian Bain?
So y’all do him right, JB & IB, with your fantastic fame
And if you don’t, not anyone, not even y’all … are to blame … should have any pain … need feel any shame
It’s lame I know but we live our lives as Providence decrees … ain’t it a shame?
It is all but simply a Divine game
pbm or paul bain/vain, in vain
7 S’s / VV->^^
(“‘Peace on this damn Eaarth’ is our refrain”
Say Oscar & paul bain
Who because of their tune … I truly believe were & are extremely sane
In spite of the thoughts of some others (who perhaps have less than half a grain of a brain???)
“Peace … for Amelia & Abby & Landon & William & Lane and Owen Zane …
And for Ian Bain”)