From what I’ll call “a separate discussion by ‘A Crazy Five’ on text-Messaging by Google”:
In biology/ecology and other fields we talk of “lumpers & splitters.”
I am first & foremost a lumper. (Of course with continued discourse I begin to split & split & split until we get lost in the trees & understory and sometimes folk forget an earlier “succinct” “forest-lump” of mine.)
But then, I can lump it again.
Pride & humility are the key and major sin/virtue. Others are just sort of subsets or aspects of these.
“It’s my belief pride is the chief cause in the decline …” from a song by one of the best singer/songwriters ever (born in Texas)!
The meat of WHAT? is The Problem in 2023; i.e., the Truth:
o Tremendous/terrible global disparity, particularly between the North and the South
o Overshoot by human & domesticated species populations
(especially because of the CONSUMPTIVE POWER [kilocalories/day] of the Super-Haves, … & especially those of the U.S.A.)
o Drawdown of the natural resource base
o War, conventional agriculture, neoliberal capitalism
o Surveillance capitalism, or the widespread collection and commodification of personal data by trans national corporations (and authoritarian politicians) … which often focuses (politically) on the stimulation of the amydala & other parts of the brains and on manipulative use of fear & anger (and pride) in demos … andwhich threatens the very basis of a democratic social system.
WHY? should we address the WHATS?
o Need for dynamic homeostatic symbioses including humans/quality life for all/PEACE, or Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology
o Natural law
o 2nd Law of TD
o Golden Rule
o Precautionary Principle
HOW? do we truly address the WHATS?
o Less Is More. Caring & sharing.
o Humility vs. Pride
(How? is the most difficult aspect & the devil is in the details. … Friend Mark Lessing’s “Communication, Cooperation and Compromise” does, however, say it well … succinctly … with an emphasis on effective
communication of fact/truth in this time of surveillance capitalism. … [And it has to involve REGULATION of surveillance capitalism.])
7 S’s / VV->^^
(I.e., my attempt at saying it all very, very succinctly! See
https://www.kite.pub/sustainability/games-we-play/ for an explanation. )
(Wendell Berry says it best:
“To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of Creation. When we do this knowingly, lovingly, skillfully, reverently, it is a sacrament. When we do it ignorantly, greedily, clumsily, destructively, it is a desecration.”
& I stuck this all through our little book on applied ecology
https://www.kite.pub/sustainability/games-we-play/ .)