A plethora of thoughts (just thoughts! & ideas!) this morning (10/27/2024) after an amazingly fantastic Ogallala Commons “Discovery Days” get-together of elders and energetic youth of the Commons … and just before entering into Betsy Hoffmann Martin & friends & colleagues’ Seguin Riverside Cemetery reenactments (Saints Alive!) of local historical figures (of whom I will be one) this afternoon. https://ogallalacommons.org/about/ https://www.facebook.com/seguincemeterytour/
These are a few. …
in the whole scheme of things
i am certainly not intelligent or experienced or learned
i have only been around as an human (of plus or minus 30 trillion living cells) … on this quite old Eaarth …
(McKibben’s [2010] Eaarth [starting about 10,000 years ago]
and THE Earth [from about 4.5 billion years ago]) …
a meager seventy-eight years of the maybe 14 billion years of the cosmos
neverlessless with the knowledge from …
dad & mom on a five-acre diversified hog farm, my village of devine, pope john XXIII, land grant universities, joe schaffner, a small bit of military service, david pimentel, some travels to foreign lands, four+ languages, jim hightower’s tda, oc, kol, spc, dos pueblos, honduran/mexican episcopalian vol services, & generations indigenous ways, pope francis, great friends & some amazing gurus & wonderful books
i am very, very, very hubristically knowledgeable & wise
less is MORE!
there is far too much artificial “good” & artificial order AND artificial energy transformation on this Eaarth …
(an Eaarth of limited resources & daily free [& readily available & sustainable] solar energy)
and that is BAD
there is far too much artificial BAD on this Eaarth
and that is BAD
there is far too much artificial of this Eaarth
(of limited resources & a should be “natural” Earth)
that is BAD … TOXIC … EVIL … A MORTAL SIN … one of the worst of the original sins, following disparity & inequity … and resultant militarism & War … and enslavement!
less is MORE!!
(we must have degrowth of “good” for good … for a dynamic homeostatic symbioses, or nature, including homo sapiens for as long as possible …
for god)
less is MORE!!!
con amor,