as journalists darren dunn, tess coody, & felicia frazer recently “de facto said” …
and quite a few others in my life of 78 years (this month of november 2024) have pointed out
i like most other individual humans or other life forms am relatively insignificant
especially as a hog-farmer’s son, relatively superficial thinker with mostly a rural & land grant university education … and a person of relatively little responsiblity, an ignostic & non-patriot & wannabe pacifist & wannabe Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecologist/PEACEmaker … and sometimes a very stone face depicting an empty mind
nevertheless i am certain of these things in the moment
(and my moments of such certainty down these lines began perhaps 52 years ago from influences of good biologists & ecologists & ethicists
with some modification in this moment of 2024, of course, based on additional wisdom from other academicians, scholars, intellectuals … and lots of common have-nots of amazing intelligence & life experiences whom i have encountered in the americas over these 78 years ) …
- eric norman & joanna, jesse trinidad, michelle vallejo, colin allred & kamala harris & tim walz and the democratic and green- and cornel west- “choices” are the best choices in this election … and those specifically named up-front are actually by far the finest statespersons in our local guadalupe county, texas elections
2. however, in order to change this deplorable Eaarth & eight to going-on ten billion pendejos to a neo-Earth of really good life-forms
the goal & policies & action plan & actions must be much more radical profound, comprehensive & holistic (while also employing the precautionary principle)
we do desperately need revolutionary systematic system change on this Eaarth … locally & globally
away from neoliberal capitalism, consumerism, and militarism & War, and inappropriate technology and socio-ecological injustice and
toward a neo-Earth of dynamic homeostatic symbioses (“natural nature of more near-climax ecologicial communites &/or in robust ecological succession “) with human & domesticated species populations closer to carrying capacity, steady-state economics & quasi-matriarchal sustainable agrarianism, and
caring & sharing for equity and pacifism and quality life for all including other species
paul bain martin ( 7 Ss / VV->^^ )