This IS a very messed up complicated Eaarth of too much (mis-/dis-)information, neoliberal capitalism/rampant entrepreneural business/consumerism & militaristic socio-ecological destruction!!! …
and who really knows??? how these crazy MAGA-rolls of Trumpian-dice will play out in terms which of two definite routes WILL be taken:
1. that of maintaining the status quo of artificialization & destruction??? … or
2. that of worsening it severely???
Neverthless, I am absolutely certain that despite my craziness … my ignorance & lack of experience & few reins on speaking out “toxically” about what I fervently believe, …
… I am brighter, more experienced, more sane, even more level-headed when placed in positions desperately needing science-based critical thinking & decision-making, and wiser than several high-level picks by Trump to run federal department/entities, … picks which will have in very serious national & global consequences!!!
Yes … I do personally cry out loudly for REVOLUTIONARY real and profoundly holistic & comprehensive change with VERY LONG-TERM GOALS …
o of “total” ecological literacy,
o banning of nuclear weapons/ demilitarization/deweaponization,
o Degrowth & steady-state economic,
o a quasi-matriarchal agrarian world socio-economic system, and
o equity.
However, the process of this good change toward quality life for all including other species must involve GOOD SCIENCE-/academic/scholarly research-informed SYSTEMATIC-system change (including efforts toward ecological literacy across all human organizational entities) done in accordance with the Golden Rule/Jesus of Nazareth-, Gandhian-, MLK, Jr.-, Berta Caceres-, John McCain-, John Lewis-, Wendell Berry-, Pope Francis-, etc.-type values/the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics/the need for Degrowth & steady-state economics … AND the Precautionary Principle.
I am very sure that this deteriorating 78-year old, hog-farmer’s son educated in a rural village in south central Texas & at Land-Grant universities (& who did publish research-work within 3 of these university systems & w/IICA, Organization of American States … & who published numerous scientific papers, & a little applied ecology book), w/ a few months of experiences in Naval Air as an ensign & student pilot in 1969 & 70 & some days to wks to months to 2 yrs to 50+ yrs of ecological activities in various regions of Latin America, Poland, Ukraine, & across Europe, & in quite a few areas of Texas & the US (and who [somewhat tongue- in-cheek] speaks 4+ languages [mostly poor English & Portanhol]), …
and who worked as IPM Specialist, Director (acting) of Pest Management & Sustainable Ag Coordinator for an amazingly well-educated & progressively active Commissioner of Texas Agriculture who very effectively employed a diversity of very intelligent & experienced folk from the populace (Hispanics, Jews, Blacks, Indians from India, homosexuals, conservatives, leftists, lawyers, journalists, sociologists, “crop-dusters”, wildlife biologists, ecologists, astute statespersons, agriculturalists, etc.) …
I, paul bain martin, phd agricultual entomologist/wannabe good applied community ecologist, would do much better as a selection for the prestigious & consequential positions Trump is now filling.
Come on “Right-wing” friends & family, Catholics, supposed-christians, Trumpsters who voted for Trump, … all others in demos. Pleeaaase!!! speak out against what is apparently going to be …
–a “continuing wrecking” on this Anthropocene Eaarth …
–OR a wreck like never before!!!
Speak out loudly and actively protest, write letters & post against selections like …
Gaetz, Zeldin, Hegseth, Noem, Homan, Gabbard, Musk/Ramaswamy
who will be VERY OBVIOUS & TERRIBLY disruptive barriers for achieving sustainable ecological community and a neo-Earth!
paul bain martin
( 7 Ss / VV->^^ )