I stand pretty firm in my shout-out of the desperate need for all of us to focus on taking action as individuals and in global-group solidarity in the very most important areas listed in the photo immediately below (posted herein).
Nevertheless, the complexities of diverse individual ethoses and wide variation of group-thinking (more often than not with the ethoses or group-thinking NOT being on a route toward resilient sustainable ecological communty & socio-ecological justice) … here on this Eaarth of a very arrogant, but also very ignorant, humanity of 8 billion including 195+ major leaders of 195 sovereign nations … is made clear in Celine Keller’s “Who Is Afraid of Degrowth?”.
Nevertheless, although we will never reach a utopia of resilient sustainable ecological community of quality living for all of humanity & biota, we should heed Henry David Thoreau’s, Murray Bookchin’s, Fernando Birri’s, Eduardo Galeano’s, Wes Jackson’s, and Celine Keller’s suggestions to keep smartly & actively “walking” and “milling around” toward utopia.
paul bain martin
7 Ss / VV->^^
(No. 4 in the attached [immediately below] photo should read, “Sustainable agrarian systems, locally & globally”.)