My “Profound & Holistic” Efforts (Based on Ecological Science) at Keeping the Eye on the Prize in My Journey in a Chaotic Artificial Sea of Humanity & Other Essential Biota

1a.I/we must recognize that we are all connected and that all biota which coevolved with humanity are essential for a truly resilient & sustainable ecological community. Love, and live in concert with, Nature & its essential ecosystem blocks of —top soil & quality air, —quality water, —biodiversity including natural photosynthesizers, and —daily solar energy capture […]

The Trump Pea Versus the paul bain martin pea Under the Mattresses of 2025-Humanity “Princesses”

Deplorable-elected* deplorable Donald John Trump and James David Vance … (& Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, & Miller … in Texas) and deplorable neoliberal capitalists Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos et al. … receive much, much more local/national/international attention than I (truly a U.S. Land Grant System-student “educated” in agricultural entomology, Roman Catholic-raised pig-farmer’s son […]

Pensamentos/”Mysl”/ Thoughts This Morning About the Possibilties of a Humane Humanity

(I apologize for not doing this completely in English, Portuguese, and Spanish … since I have so many dear friends who speak these languages of which I have some practice. Moreover, I have a number of special friends in Poland .. and regret that I am not doing a version in Polish. However, in English […]