Deplorable-elected* deplorable Donald John Trump and James David Vance … (& Abbott, Patrick, Paxton, & Miller … in Texas) and deplorable neoliberal capitalists Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos et al. … receive much, much more local/national/international attention than I (truly a U.S. Land Grant System-student “educated” in agricultural entomology, Roman Catholic-raised pig-farmer’s son from rural south central Texas … who has never sought economic Power BUT who would like to be truly heard (profoundly & holistically)!).
I DO strongly and fervently (and I think within a knowlegeably scientific ethos of integrity, despite shared-ignorance and human-frailty) believe that my pea under many, many, many mattresses of “(AI?) alogrithms of chaotic information” should receive much more attention, scientific study, strategic planning, and concerted action, and replanning & continued action than that of Trump’s.
Perhaps perplexingly I also realize that ecological illiteracy and my use of, or reference to, vocabulary, concepts, & somewhat complicated processes (like dynamic homeostatic symbioses, climax ecological community, embodied human appropriated net primary productivity, externalities, carrying capacity, & overshoot and even holistic & sustainablity & neoliberal captitalism & Laws of Thermodynamics & Anthropocene & artificialization & overshoot, … words, concepts & processes not regularly used or thought about by the common man) … as well as my confrontational contrarian approach … can be a very significant problem in realizing communication**. However, our individual & species time on Eaarth (there I go again!) is short, and I will sort of reiterate that I do “strongly & fervently” believe that my approach is much effective, & of moral character, than complacency, apathy, religiosity & prayer, and “go-with the flow (over the cliff)” ethoses.
I solidly believe that we need to really try become ecologically literate & astute and to see through the muddled muddy waters of global neoliberal capitalism/militarism and “stuff” and (mis/dis) information & propaganda & conspiracy-theories & “Trumpian”*** manipulative lies … and that we must keep our eyes on the prize os socio-ecological justice and the really key needs of …
1.ECOLOGICAL LITERACY across all human organizational entities,
4. Realizing quasi-matriarchal AGRARIANISM … locally, regionally, nationally, & globally,
5. Achieving EQUITY.
paul bain martin
7 Ss / VV->^^
*By a humanity, or at least a large sector of humanity, indoctrinated and brainwashed in their ignorance by neoliberal capitalistic/militaristic/consumerism/”More Is More” and religious “norms”.
**My idea in our little book on applied ecology (“‘Positively’ Ethical Appliecd Community Ecology”/PEACEmaking) was to place the glossary upfront in order to get the reader more comfortable with my “communcative(?) jargon”.
***I pick on “poor ol’ Trump” because his lies, and capitalist-funded political algorithms of dis-& mis-information, have been so very effective socio-policially/economically (ecologically) in deplorably molding (at least temporarily, … perhaps superficially) the minds of so many … and he is admired and has become an effect demagogue as a result, and rapidly speading-up humanity’s voyage over the cliff.