“So Pávlos, you truly believe it is that simple? Just get consumption and power of the haves down to about 60,000 kilocalories per capita per day and an ecological footprint of two (2) hectares and transfer that power such that the have-nots attain that approximate amount. And you believe those levels will take enough pressure […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Work in Progress (No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace.)
I’ll work on doing a better job of communicating herein. Plans are for very short stories of efforts toward quality life these past 71+ years, and to try to support development of what–in the “recent” past–I started calling positively ethical applied community ecology (or regeneration and conservation of resilient, sustainable community). I’ll work at being […]
Paz No Rio
Working on Paz e Solidariedade with Friends from Cuba/Brasil
paul bain martin, generalist: Bkgrd on Why, “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology”?
Paul Martin (BS/MS-Texas A&M Univ., Ph.D.-Univ. Florida) was raised with 5 younger siblings (and worked with migrant labor crews) during the drought of the 1950s on a very small south Texas (hog) farm near Devine, Texas—a farm which always possessed a large garden, fruit trees, chickens and a milk cow. While in Florida during the […]