Black Lives Matter, Social Justice, and Ecological Sanity

Talk of real systemic change can freak folk out, or at a minimum result in their tuning out a speaker’s frequency. Many get extremely nervous when someone starts talking about an immediate undertaking of continuous revolution toward actually abolishing sins of War, guns, weapons of mass destruction, military, police, prisons, … and destructive neo-liberal capitalism. These folk often resort to words they think of as derogatory like anarchist, socialist, communist, heathen, non-patriot, bleeding-heart-liberal, terrorist, … (some of which are actually/de facto a complement).

Communicating what is profoundly good is tough!

I admit that I have only dabbled and wet my little toe a bit–during these 73+ years–in philosophy, anthropology, sociology, political science, ecology–and fully realize I am ignorant and naïve. Nevertheless, I did appreciate reading some years ago, and I believed, anthropologist Hugh Brody’s tale in The Other Side of Eden of indigenous Inuit peoples’ management of community members–who had murdered someone–through the local population’s working together for rehabilitation with those individuals and keeping a constant caring eye on them. I can also hear what conservative political analyst Yuval Levin is currently saying about a need for order and unity for sustainable quality life in ecological communities on a Eaarth of seven billion-plus humans, their domesticated species, and all their stuff. But because we have become an Eaarth which imminently threatens the homeostasis of quality life including humans, I strongly feel that the time is past due for orderly revolution and the tearing down of corrupt societal institutions in today’s 2020-world … in order to realize quality life for all and a new Earth.

We must set idealistic goals and then work at communicating and organizing effectively to realize pragmatically, systematically, and significantly some of the goals of revolution in an orderly and timely manner. And we must always keep our eye on the prize of real social justice, humaneness, and true ecological sanity and tenaciously struggle toward that end.


[ 7 S’s / VV->^^ ]

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  1. Yes! We have to choose hope. Your ramblings help people feel there’s a connectedness for all of us who need to believe in a new model becoming a new reality.