the world is sort of squirrelly
from a sane human’s point of view.
yes, some sane humans might actually exist.
personally, if i weren’t truly crazy,
this miserable world would drive me totally insane. …
(yep, i did steal this from the Littlefield, Texas boy
who survived the day the music died.)
have you ever wished you might be a gnarled old oak log
lying in a bed of live oak leaves,
calmly resting and enjoying the comfort of warm decaying organic matter
and having an occasional earthworm, earwig, or ironclad beetle scratch your back?
you sometimes listen to the annoyingly pleasant song of the mockingbird
perched on the pecan limb above …
singing to high heaven.
you watch the gardener carefully position seed in appropriately prepared good soil.
you love seeing the lovely green bunchgrasses quietly grow.
you wonderfully feel the south Texas summer, fall, winter, spring winds blow.
no worries about whether it rains … or not.
when humans pass
the world will be sane again.
and perhaps Kaw-liga**, the poor old wooden head,
will find his Indian maid.
or perhaps he never lost her
and ol’ Hank’s catchy story distorts reality and Truth?
( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )
*Object oriented ontology or “nature of existence.”