Mostly I want to help direct change toward socio-ecological justice, i.e., real & constructive communication, pacifism, “Caring and Sharing”, and lowering our individual & collective ecological footprints through a “Less Is More” attitude and lifestyle … in solidarity.
I came to this not through faith in a mysterious God of Mystery. It was through formative years in a good household of wonderful/loving/pragmatic/frugal/humble parents and in a very decent village, through opportunities each day to experience “natural Nature”, and through recognizing the necessity of profoundly & holistically abiding by the Golden Rule while also realizing the hypocrisy and fallacy of religions which espouse this ethic of reciprocity (and de facto recognition of this by some progressive religious leaders) and experiencing the amazing civil rights, ecological, and anti-War movements and actions of the ca. 1960’s-70’s.
Moreover, I realized that we may (will) always fail in various degrees of realizing the goal of justice for all, including other species. Nevertheless, I also realized that a life-long journey of attempting to reach that goal here on Eaarth is what makes for a life of love, joy, and real satisfaction … rather than a complacency of satisfaction that: if we will only have blind faith in a God of Mystery, we will be in a Glorious Heaven after we pass from this life and pass from the form of a living human being.
Finally, for all of us addicted to tangible Gods of fossil energy and material (e.g. plastics), guns, War and militarism, neoliberal capitalism, industrial agriculture, cars, and various inappropriate technologies including most of all, for yours truly, … let’s kick these Gods/habits … and soon! We must do this for the sake of the many (including other species) who suffer tremendously because of these habits and for the sake of those who come after us.
7 S’s / VV->^^