I want to see more holidays, memorials, statues, books, radio & television and magazine & newspaper pieces, social media posts, … celebrating PEACE, pacifists, conscientious objectors, peace activitists & PEACEmakers, Veterans For Peace1, diplomacy … . I tire of a country/an Eaarth of so much adulation of War2 in so very many ways, and I am sick of an economy in the U.S. largely founded on War and militarism with a significant sector producing armaments for the world … for capitalistic profit. (I also am nauseated by those who say that PEACE, equity, living in harmony with Nature, degrowth, … aren’t pragmatic. Obviously the alternatives are what are not pragmatic.)
My Dad, a Marine Master Sergeant in WW II who was at the Battle of Peleliu3 and who lost his brother in that War in 1945 in Germany, never glorified War, militarism, the use of armaments, or soldiering … and he became angry when others did. (In fact, my father rarely talked about War, other than short comments like the one when he was dying and viewed the events of the War in Iraq up on the television screen in his hospital room … “Damn, is the U.S. always going to be at War?”
1 Message from Veterans For Peace/VFP:
“Memorial Day 2023
As we do every year, this Memorial Day we remember all who have died in war and understand that no one wins in war. Many of us have been personally touched by war. But we must also extend that mourning. We remember the civilian victims, and their families. Honoring and remembering some deaths while ignoring others not only perpetuates war, but also ignores the moral injuries of war, a significant cause of veteran suicide…
We do not seek to glorify either warriors or war. Rather, Veterans For Peace seeks to educate the public about the folly of war and the costs of war – human, economic, political, environmental/climate. On Memorial Day, VFP members march in parades, lay wreaths, give talks and speeches, recite poetry, and vigil to honor U.S. service members who died in and as a result of war, as well as all the civilian victims of war….
Our message for Memorial Day is to remember all who have died in war and to understand that no one wins. We understand that those who fight the wars gain the least from them and those who send us to war gain the most from war. There are many people who either profit from war or are misled by war mongers and profiteers. These are the people who seek to block our message to question war and to work for peace. ” 2
2 No War Is Good | Commonweal Magazine
War Is a Crime! – PabloEco3500K (paulpeaceparables.com)
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