(My use of the title of Sister Prejean’s very informative book and the subsequent movie …
works of art making an incredible case for needed policies & actions toward social justice,
amazing works which highlight “the hypocrisy of condemning people to death for killing others” …
my use may seem flippant.
But I dearly and deeply respect Sister Prejean and her wonderful works!
Nevertheless, in different ways and under different circumstances,
at times in this Twenty-First Century, I personally do feel so much like a dead man walking.)
I work at speaking Truth to the Power of corporate neoliberal capitalism & consumerism and its necessary companion, militarism
And since I do not toe the line of status quo capitalism,
I am tuned out as if I am a dead man walking, viewed as if carrying a scarlet letter,
dealt with as an outcast, and avoided like a pariah … especially by family.

7 S’s / VV->^^