o Given our individual & collective knowledge of ecological principles & practices, and our values, in relative solidarity we must individually and collectively make decisions for the good of all based on the monitored conditions of the various wholes/sub-wholes of the ecosphere (Eaarth/Earth; Nature, the Land, the Commons; ecological communities; the natural resource base; human populations) especially the most local … AND the global whole.
o We must abide by the major guiding (ecological) principles of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Precautionary Principle, the various Golden Rules and caring and sharing, and the more specific principles and processes, etc.
o Of course the mess we are in the Anthropocene, global climate change, disparity, overshoot, drawdown of the natural resource base, pollution, etc.,
and monitoring and collective/global decison-making process for socio-political/economic (ecological) changes for the better or the worse … is a monumentous task.
In reiteration of the obvious, the devil is always in the details. Communication, cooperation, and nescessary compromise is extremely difficult at the global and the local levels!
(Nevertheless, I plea for the good of all biota “for as long as possible,” PLEASE don’t leave the perhaps insurmountable task of systematic system change of Eaarth to neo-Earth up to:
–future generations,
–God [or the various names and concepts thereof],
–the roll of dices after the Big Bang [or prior],
–to “whomever” or “who cares” because of your belief your “good and moral & ethical” life of agrilogistics, neoliberal capitalism, industrialism, synthetics and artificialization will get “Holy/Blessed YOU” (and perhaps yours) to a Heaven, or an everlasting spiritual bliss.)
7 S’s / VV->^^