I am an early baby boomer (born 11/24/1946) with genetics/epigenetics of and upbringing from very humble, frugal, not very captitalistic depression-influenced parents as well as the environmental influences of Vatican II, the civil rights & ecological movements, the Vietnam War & pacifist activism, and fantastic music, song, & poetry of the middle 1950s-1970s and current “Americana” music.* I have developed as a (relatively insignificant) skeptical-believer that radical leftist activism is necessary for quality life for all, including other species, for as long as possible.
I am stubborn, oftentimes quite outspoken (redundantly, ad nauseum, irritatingly), yet quite happy with my ethos which includes a solid dissatisfaction of human populations, especially the Haves of my homeland, who are ignorant of, or who ignore, the Golden Rule, natural law, and ecological principles, processes, & values of sustainability. I am sick of … our capitalistic exploitation of the poor/disenfranchised/relatively powerless/have-nots & Nature … and … War with: the indigenous as well as with recent immigrants & the immigrating, other religions/cults, other nations, other economic powers, and especially with Nature (or dynamic homeostatic symbioses).
I am very honest/sincere when I say that I am in synch with the virtue of LOVE which was learned early on in my small rural** south central Texas village. There ARE some I do love more than others. Nevertheless, I do love all life/I love all humans/I love all species.
On the other hand, I do have strong HATE for ACTIONS by many humans (including my own actions). The outspoken hate, and battle within me and coming forth from me, against neoliberal capitalism/militarism (and its nuclear arms, guns; weapons markets; and related killing equipment, systems, & activities), rampant consumerism, destructive economic growth (including growth of populations of humans & domesticated species), (Trumpism), including the hypocrisy of these systems and including my hate for complacency with and inaction against these terrible systems … will never die, until that are non-existent!
This is because these sins violate the Golden Rule, natural law, and basic ecological principles, processes, and values of sustainable ecological community/dynamic homeostatic symbioses!
I do sincerely believe we should all focus on being rewired individually and collectively and Truthfully becoming PEACEmakers, or “Positively Ethical Appled Community Ecologists!!!”
pbm (7 S’s / VV->^^)
*There were others of course which could be detailed, such as: seeing the segregation in the seating & youth organizations … of Mexican- and Anglo-Americans at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Devine, Texas; the lack of blacks living in the city limits of Devine who nevertheless worked there; labor in the fields in my formative years with mostly Mexican-Americans and work in a feed mill with mostly Blacks & Mexican-Americans; attendance at a very military/relatively right-wing Land-Grant University; a university education in ecology; U.S. Naval Air; David Pimentel, H.T. Odum, Herman Daly/Betsy Martin, Peggy Maddox, Darryl Birkenfeld, Marvel Maddox, the Gaddies, Bill Campaigne; work with Jim Hightower’s wonderfully-leftist Texas Department of Agriculture and its progressive initiatives toward sustainable ecolgical community; Holistic Resource Management; teaching biology, ecology, natural science at Historically-Black/Hispanic Serving St. Philip’s College for 22 years; … .
**Rural, but not “campesino rural.” It was greatly shaped by entrepreneurial capitalism, consumerism, militarism, “growthism.” The relatively large military city San Antonio was only 35 miles away and the intranational Highway 81 stretching from the Canadian border in North Dakota to the Mexican border, Laredo, Texas, ran through it. And fossil-fueled agricultural products of watermelons, peanuts, grain and some broom corn and vegetables were shipped distances throughout the U.S.A.
By the time of my birth, Devine Texas had already transitioned from Paleolithic to agrilogistics to capitalism- & industrialism-influenced, and the synthetic/electronic age and was getting well into being an artificialized Eaarth in the Anthropocene times of information/disinformation/misinformation!