no doubt i am NOT a learned/well-educated bright/intellectual
NOR a great communicator (but i do try)
nevertheless, life for me (in the moment) is a play between …
o what we personally (& of course collectively) know to be SOCIO-ecologically right or wrong
o “natural” desires of the selfish flesh & mind, heart, and soul
o and social capital*** (in the broadest of sense) which we’ve acquired …
… all of influenced genetically, epigenetically, and environmentally/socio-ecologically …
… (and “i think???” i agree with the science of sapolsky)****
pbm ( 7 Ss / VV->^^ )*****
*Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/books/review/robin-wall-kimmerer-braiding-sweetgrass.html
***At the rate I spend the social capital afforded me by Mom, my formative village of Devine, Texas, and Land Grant Universities and various other lucky good-fortunes, … soon no one will be speaking ot me and no one will participate/attend my funeral. (I have already lost my oldest son and his family, and a few friends.) … But I guess this is this business of “God’s will” which I accept as the rolling of the dice of energy/matter interactions in the universe … some of it very positive, and some of it negative, from either my selfish or from a more holistic perspective.
*****See p. 55 & others for an interpretation of these symbols in https://www.kite.pub/sustainability/games-we-play/ .