Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACE & “Less Is More” … (The Essence of “christian” Humility!)

Dad Alton Martin and his “Less Is More”*-ethos/way-of-life from the Depression … and late 1800s and early 1900s conservation-ethos/way-of-life from “G.I. Bill”-learning immediately after he came home from WW II was what, I think, influenced me the greatest in my personal-ethos/way-of-life (given to me through Dad’s genetics and epigenetic and environmental influences). Moreover, the villages […]

Another of our games*. Excerpts from a “taxonomy of generations” … & comments on some proposed characteristics

A loved one who came into our “family life” more than twenty years ago “has hope” “knowing Gen Z will someday be in charge.” As a stupid knee-jerking contrarian, I could (& would) readily quarrel, using factual substance, with several aspects of this statement above. …………………… Some pensamentos … It is a small sample size […]

just a bit more of the day-dreaming of which artist/sculptor marika bordes pointed out i often do

what might i BE if i were he or she or thee?????? rather than me? (mightier than a Sequoiadendron giganteum redwood tree?) ……………… “of course not!!!” i sort of say with glee … ’cause i wouldn’t be ME! pbm ( 7 Ss /VV->^^ )