Another of our games*. Excerpts from a “taxonomy of generations” … & comments on some proposed characteristics

A loved one who came into our “family life” more than twenty years ago

“has hope” “knowing Gen Z will someday be in charge.”

As a stupid knee-jerking contrarian, I could (& would) readily quarrel, using factual substance,

with several aspects of this statement above.


Some pensamentos

It is a small sample size and very biased “analysis”,

but three dear Gen Z’s who I once knew & tried to see frequently (& continue to try)

and who I definitely know are, in many ways, intelligent, hard-working, well-rounded, loving individuals

are also de facto “very distant”, unforgiving, unempathetic, and lacking in compassion in their interactions (or lack of) with me.

(No one is perfect! … not even grandchildren!!)

“Hope (in Gen Z) springs eternal” in me, but it is qualified and not absolute.


My own baby-boomer generation has been described as …

  • “Goal-oriented
  • Focus on personal fulfillment
  • Eagerness for change and development
  • Have gained experienced
  • Shaped society and the social context
  • The desire for Equality”**

and it was the generation protesting & working hard for civil rights, pacifism, and ecological justice in the 1960s & 70s

(and with some success

but so much more is needed).

I believe my boomer generation’s eagerness for change toward equality/equity

(and perhaps systematic system change)

is/was its most admirable trait.


Gen Z perhaps could be characterized as …

  • “They are money-driven and ambitious
  • Politically and socially aware
  • Racially and Ethnically diverse
  • Engage mostly in social activism
  • Digital natives.”**

(If true) being “money-driven” and “digital natives” concerns me greatly!

(The money-driven aspect is a characteristic of the disgraceful former president, Donald J. Trump and his Trumpians, and Trumpsters …

but also many others of varying socio-political/economic persuasions in all generations ofdemos.)

Being “politically & socially aware” is a nice positive step.

I do hope that awareness in Gen Z brings sustainable activism toward systematic system change

from “money/digital algorithmic-driven” neoliberal capitalism & consumerism (& necessarily-connected militarism)

toward ecological justice and a dynamic homeostatic symbioses involving humans …

but also (connected) … less artificial growth (an attitude of “small is beautiful”, less worhip at the altars of engineering and technology and human-built environment and industrial agriculture [even that labeled “Organic” or “Meatless”] vs. real science, knowlege, wisdom, & prudence).


Within the ethos, psyche, applied ecological values of ALL existing generations …

I desire a Real Hope of “Less Is More”, pacifism, communication & solidarity, and equity vs. Trumpian-types of “laissez-faire/morally-corrupt capitalistic/militaristic, socio-economically false hopes.




pbm ( 7 Ss / VV->^^ )

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