PEACE vs. War

In my life … 

o  from my early youth after birth in 1946, with the “War hymns” we learned as youth, 
o  the various holidays & events during the year telling us how Great we are & how “great we are when at War”,
o  the Devine “War”horses, 
o  the Corps at A&M,
o  watching glorified  WW II dogfights while waiting to make training flights in Naval Air/a Marine General ridiculously trying to brainwash us with what “greatest warriors” we Naval pilots were/are (back in Pensacola on 1969),
o Korea, VIETNAM, Grenada, Iraq, Bosnia/Croatia/Kosovo, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, Gaza, … the many Wars of the U.S.A. (and the history of the numerous shameful “Indian Wars” [& many other Wars])


in my life … we have continually glorified War, guns/armaments/weapons-equipment of War, the military, soldiers.

I am tired of this!  It saddens me.  It sickens me.

(I do hope that I/WE do SOMETHING POSITIVE about this before I pass in the next few minutes to 20 or so years.)

Wasn’t Jesus of Nazareth the “Prince of Peace?”  … 

Are not we christians supposed to be humble???  …  

Why can we not focus more on PEACE vs. War, War, War …, military, armaments, soldiers???

paul bain, in vain?

7 Ss / VV->^^


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