Thoughts Up on the Llano Estacado and Nearby during a Trip from TX to SD to NM & Back to Texas (We Were Doing Ecological Activities Up in Yellow Bear Canyon, Pine Ridge Reservation)

Passing through the agricultural area around Lamesa, Texas on our way home to Seguin, Texas from Yellow Bear Canyon, Pine Ridge Reservation & Santa Fe, NM (7/2/2024).


More than 60 years ago, my brother Lawrence Alton and I did support work for several summers during our high school-years … in the growing, harvest, processing, & transport of southern field peas, Vigna sp. (blackeyes, purple hulls, creams, & crowders) & chinese reds on a large part of this area of the Southern Plains, Caprock, & Panhandle of Texas … for our Uncle Peggy (Lowell Curtis) Martin.


About 47 years later I bicycled on my own across the Hill Country & Rolling Plains one beautiful spring (listening to wonderful birds & insects and seeing beautiful wildflowers & other vegetation along the way) from Seguin, Texas to the 21st Annual Southern Plains conference in Lubbock, Texas in 2010.*

This amazing conference was organized by the nonprofit Ogallala Commons and “the event focused on a famous date in environmental history [with the keynote speaker being the very knowledgable ecological historian, Don Worster].

No, it wasn’t [what was] the upcoming 40th anniversary of Earth Day, but the 75th anniversary of ‘Black Sunday’ – April 14th, 1935 – when a massive dust cloud arose from the Great Plains like a biblical vision and blew topsoil all the way to Washington, D.C., and out to sea.

It was the Dust Bowl, of course – a national calamity of epic proportions that still reverberates today. It was a ‘perfect’ storm of ecological and economic havoc. Massive tilling of prairie topsoil, abetted immensely by the introduction of diesel-powered tractors, followed by a series of unusually dry years in the early 1930s, followed by big winds put hundreds of millions of tons of fertile soil into the air.” (Courtney White)

[*With the wind at my back and up on the flat Llano Estacado, I easily made the last 100-miles of my bicycle trip in 2010 … from Big Spring through Lamesa to Lubbock … in one day!]

paul bain martin

7 Ss / VV->^^

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