A Focus on Degrowth & Socio-Ecological Justice. A New Profoundly-Holistic Golden Rule for Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology/PEACEmaking



I am sort of “trying” to not do “this” so much (i.e., posting of the sort of very sad Truths like that in the URLs far below). …

Nevertheless, I do wish folk would truly begin to be very aware of our various processes of destruction of “a dynamic homeostatic symbioses including humans”, …

i.e., possess knowledge of our rampant human-destruction of Nature … & come to a realization of this continuing amplification of socio-ecological destruction … Truths of which a major part of the populace, my little brother Kenny, and many Republicans–and even those in other arenas of the socio-political/economic spectrum–are oblivious to and in denial of.

Trumpians, Trumpsters, and Republicans, and right-wingers (pro-Growthers, transnational corporations, conspicuous consumers, real estate developers, industrial agriculturists, militarists, and religionists) are very, very much major players in self-imposed ignorance … and lying to self and the world. But we Democrats, “Progressives”, & left-wingers … and others … are also included and share much of the blame for a plethora of apathy & complacency, ignorant actions and “denial of the Golden Rule, the Precautionary Principle, and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

… AS WELL AS denial of the desperate need for less greed & artificialization … and the desperate need for equity & pacifism & ‘positively ethical applied community ecology’ across the curricula & campuses of all human organizational entities”!!!

We must become aware … and take approprate action. And it is difficult for me to not say this … over and over and over … .



(Finally, you might turn some of the derogatory modifiers I used herein on me; nevertheless, I believe Cornel West is a better candidate than the current presumptive candidates for President of the United States.)


paul bain martin

( 7 Ss / VV->^^ )

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