My “Profound & Holistic” Efforts (Based on Ecological Science) at Keeping the Eye on the Prize in My Journey in a Chaotic Artificial Sea of Humanity & Other Essential Biota

1a.I/we must recognize that we are all connected and that all biota which coevolved with humanity are essential for a truly resilient & sustainable ecological community. Love, and live in concert with, Nature & its essential ecosystem blocks of —top soil & quality air, —quality water, —biodiversity including natural photosynthesizers, and —daily solar energy capture (or a dynamic homeostatic symbioses including humans).

1b. We must practice an ethic of reciprocity (Golden Rule) within local & global humanity … but also within “a dynamic homeostatic symbioses including local & global humanity” (i.e., within Nature, or nature).

2a. Recognize that life (humanity, ecological community[ies], dynamic homeostatic symbioses/nature) is matter organized with inputs of free available energy.

2b. Excessive energy input/throughput (through fossil energy-driven artifiicalization, capitalism/militarism, inappropiriate entrepreneurialism, consumerism, inappropriate technology) perturbs/destroys homeostatic symbioses.

2c. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics informs us that as we transform energy for “ordered artificialization”, we create chaos for “Nature”.

3a. All of the above is scientific knowledge upon which all ancient prehistorical, historical, & current resilient, sustainable (low input/throughput hunter-gatherer & agrarian) cultures (involving ethoses, norms, traditions, religions, governing entities based on a very significant amount of humility, love/empathy/caring & sharing, connectivity & communication, and solidarity … and de facto based on ecological principles, processes, & apppropriate ecological values) … have existed.

3b. We must also recognize that science (the quest for knowledge) recognizes that we humans are very ignorant (even considering all of the knowledge accumulated over our 200,000+ years) and that we must always proceed with caution in changing things … since our every action has consequences, and the more energy involved in these actions, the greater the consequences, often detrimental (the Precautionary Principle).

3c. “Simply said”, we should proceed with caution & tentativeness in low energetic systems of input & throughput (and therefore, also output). Moreover, in 2025 … even though it is not palatable (or by any sense of the imagination “easy”, or even doable) in the 2025-mindset … DEGROWTH of fossil energy dependent (direct or indirect/embodied) systems, of artificialization of Nature, of neoliberal capitaism, of human populations, of domesiticated species populations … is absolutely necessary for a resilient, sustainable dynamic homeostatic symbioses including humans.


paul bain martin

7 Ss / VV->^^

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