Degrowth Is Absolutely Necessary, Less Is More–Please Hear Us DJT, Trumpians, Trumpsters, Republicans, … Democrats, … ALL!

The five (5) basic real needs for a resilient, sustainable world are!!! …

1. Ecological literacy

2. Deweaponization & demilitarization

3. Degrowth “communitarianism”

4. A local/global sustainable agrarian system

5. Equity


ECOLOGICAL LITERACY. Trump & his “groupies” are conning many selfish & ignorant deplorables into believing his current actions will be good for this old Eaarth and life within it.

But Trump is doing nothing toward increasing the ecological literacy (which is essentially necessary for quality life for all) … and instead he is “anti-science” (and especially “anti-ecological science”) and increasing mis- and dis-information in this area.

DEWEAPONIZATION/DEMILITARIZATION. Trump and Republicans are doing nothing toward reducing arms and military numbers in the U.S. and the world!

DEGROWTH “COMMUNTARIANISM”. Trump hasn’t a clue about the need for Degrowth. And as with many other very important aspects of ecological economics (or other moral & ethical processes), he has absolutely no desire to learn. … Do you see any indication that Trump recognizes the despicable exploitation of the have-nots by him, Elon Musk, his Trumpians. and other Haves? Do you see any indication that Trump recognizes limits to our natural resource base (topsoil/minerals/quality air, quality water, biodiversity/photosynthesizers/NPP, etc.) and that it has been overshot?? Do you see any indication that Trump recognizes that it is Growth that has resulted in the major existential threat to a dynamic homeostatic symbioses (i.e., “Nature”) including humanity … global climate change???

SUSTAINABLE LOCAL/GLOBAL AGRARIANISM. Do you see any indication the Trump & Musk et al recognize that energetically-sound photosynthetic systems of excellent net primary productivity; resilient, regenerative agriculture; & sustainable local/global agrarian systems are essential for directly or indirectly providing food, fiber, & shelter and all of Maslow’s basic needs for quality life for all on this Eaarth?

EQUITY. And why Trump, Trumpians, Trumpsters, and Republicans are not for a major component of PEACEmaking or “positively ethical applied community ecology”, i.e., equity, diversity, and inclusion, is beyond my comprehension. (It is truly christian, moral & ethical, and of integrity to be wholeheartedly for equity, diversity, & inclusion!)


paul bain martin

7 Ss / VV->^^

(I admit that the Democratic Party [or other socio-political/economic 《ecological》 entities around the globe] are not doing much better than Republicans at addressing these 5 basic needs addressed herein. Still … Democrats are obviously doing significantly better than Republicans, especially on numbers 1 & 5.

Nevertheless, using a favorite phrase of my Dad Alton Martin, I wish we ALL … paul bain martin and all others … would “get with the program and quit ‘fiddle-farting’ around” with …

o rockets and (electric) cars and so durn many roads & parking structures …

o and “Twitter-farting”/Xing …

o and making Gaza into an “‘Atlantic City, U.S.A.!!!; Fossil-Energy Subsidized Garden of Eden for tourists after dislocating its current citizens from what should be their sovereign state (void of threats from Israel & War) …

o and wall-, razor wire-, buoy-, soldier-barriers to have-nots who deserve more sharing from We Haves …

o and pseudo-sustainablity masturbation-actions involving direct or indirect rampant inputs of (socio-ecologically destructive) fossil energy; …

o etc.)

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