Laws Which Guide Us Individually and Collectively Toward Quality Life for All*

Those damn liberals!!! …
Who ridiculously work relentlessly to help others,
I.e., the have-nots
Including other species,
Across the globe, …

And they so very ignorantly try to apply grassroots, direct assistance …
Including collaborative, cooperative (PEACE2) learning …
Rather than (trickle-), top-down-, assertive-economics
And realistic status-quo socio-political actions.

Those damn liberals!!
Who whether they are Muslim, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Buddhist, secular humanist, …
Iranian, Palestinian, Honduran, Mexican, African, …
Black, brown, white, pink, …
Foolishly try to be more “christ-like”, …
Whose stupid actions locally have heart and soul
Rather than a desire and the wonderful capitalistic greed & Iust
For more of T. Hall’s “faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, MORE MONEY!!!”,
Etc., … .

Those God-damned liberals
TRYING to think and act like the female & male saints of Assisi and Sojourner And Gandhi and Day and Eleanor and Rachel and King and Francis and Jesus … .

Hee, hee, …, Ha! Ha!
They even believe in science
(Loss of: irreplaceable top soil, quality water, sustainable photosynthesizers, biodiversity;
In energetics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics;
That War begets War/wars;
The Anthropocene/Eaarth/a global climate-change emergency)
Vs. blind faith. …

Shit! Those damn liberals!
1 What is a leftist or what does it mean to be on the right (the most descriptive of general labels currently used … in my “humble” opinion)? Or a liberal, conservative? (I am certain that as a liberal, I am more conservative than most of my conservative friends, colleagues, acquaintances.) Or Democrat, Republican? (Yes, I do strongly believe that Democrats have the moral high-ground, and that is of significance. … However, most Republicans AND Democrats are de facto involved in the morally- and ethically- corrupt neo-liberal capitalistic system which is destroying sustainable social fabrics, the natural resource base, and dynamic homeostatic symbioses, or nature.) Or socialist, capitalist? (One of my problems, of which I have many, is that I am a generalist … and a lumper rather than a splitter. )

I have been wrestling with these labels and values in: : …

and otherwise.

2 Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology.


pbm  6/18/19

[ 7Ss / VV->^^ ]

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