1. We are OVER CARRYING CAPACITY for humans & domesticated species.
3. There is tremendous DISPARITY ON EAARTH and there is no way an Earth can carry 7-10 billion humans at the levels at which U.S. citizens and other Haves consume.
4. Therefore we should all be striving to realize sustainable livelihoods and to be living “SABIAMENTE, SIMPLY, SMALLY, SLOWLY, STEADFASTLY, SHARINGLY, SUSTAINABLY”.
5. To realize this we need positively ethical applied community ECOLOGY ACROSS CAMPUSES AND CURRICULA of all human organizational entities (family units, schools, small & large businesses, farms & ranches, churches, government agencies/bureaus, NGOs, clubs, sports teams, etc., etc.)
6. I do have to add that religious reliance on “invisible and visible hands” of: Gods; capitalism and local, regional, and global markets; inheritance; and yes … “the government” and NGOs can be serious barriers to restoration/regeneration & conservation of resilient, sustainable ecological community. (Moreover, worship of arms and armaments, the military, and soldiers is a major barrier!)
7. We have to advocate & fight for restoration, regeneration, & conservation of resilient, sustainable ecological community in every way possible. A few might listen & learn, and hopefully numbers of positively ethical applied community ecologists will grow exponentially and/or out of this process will come informed, educated, intelligent, moral & ethical, and can-do leaders of integrity & perseverance.
(Also, though we do need to work hard for social justice, humaneness, and ecological sanity, i.e., sustainability, we need to take care not to get overwhelmed and burned out, and to do work we truly enjoy and to bite off what we can chew.)
We’ve been screwing up dynamic homeostatic symbioses/”nature” (realizing genocide & enslavement & destruction of sustainable social fabrics/systems, losing rich irreplaceable top soil, clearing our fire-dependent southern long-leaf pine-dominant forests and short-grass prairies and other sustainable ecological communities, polluting and depleting waters and the healthy biota in them, depleting biodiversity, increasing embodied human appropriated net primary productivity, …) for a long time now in this old world. In many cases we have temporarily band-aided these problems here on this Eaarth with technological fixes and associated fossil energy inputs … but put off real solutions to another day for other generations “to deal with”. We really have not truly begun to sustainably confront agrilogistics, industrialization, and this current world of electronic/electromagnetic data & information rather than one of knowledge, wisdom, and prudence … .
I do wish to say ” I’m sorry” to all of good folk who fight for a change toward holistic recycling, no-till agriculture, organic farming, renewable energy, Green New Deals, saving small rural communities, etc., etc. I do generally support these efforts in hopes that they might serve as a quick and relatively immediate transition to real solutions.
However, (And again, I apologize to you good folk with much “positively ethical applied community ecology” in your heads, hearts, and souls.) these little superficial efforts must result in a world of sustainable livelihoods in which we ALL live “sabiamente/wisely, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly, sustainably”. We Haves generally need to reduce our energy transformation from about 150,000-300,000+ kilocalories/capita daily to ca. 2/3rds of that … and share power with the have-nots (& other species) to get energy transformation/capita world-wide somewhat closer to equity.
Therefore, we need immediate radical, revolutionary change to our socio-political/economic systems (world-wide) … if we are going to make it much longer as an existing species.
[ 7 Ss / VV->^^ ]