Presentations at Siempre Sustainable Network Meetings (Circa 2010-2012)

Siempre Sustainable Network Programs through May 2010

(Mosaic Community Church. 1201 W. Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155)

Meetings begin w/ a pot-luck meal @ 6pm
w/ a brief business meeting and the program following.

June 8*-“Sustainable Recycling” Kass Hernandez, Bexar Waste, Schertz, TX

*Prior to this date we had presentations on: “a process of conservation & moving toward sustainable community”, “a holistic participatory decision-making process for moving toward a resilient & sustainable community”, “local/socially responsible organic farming”, “efficient & renewable energy systems”, “agricultural carbon sequestration”, “Seguin’s Walnut Creek Project”, “a Green mindset in our public schools?”, … .

July 13-“Sustainable and Just Food Systems” Sthea Mason, formerly Project Assistant at American Friends Service Committee, Austin, TX with experience in Mexico, Dominican Rep., the Middle East & Europe, … et al.

August 10-“Water Law 101: Surface Water Rights, Conservation, Reuse, & Environmental Flows” Michelle Maddox Smith, Attorney at Law, Lloyd Gosselink firms, respectively) Michelle is a Seguin-raised and University of Texas Law school graduate. (Her husband Chris was also educated at the UT Law School–and the LBJ School of Public Affairs.)

September 14-“Agricultural History & the Future of Food” Dr. James McWilliams, Assoc. Professor of History, Texas State University

October 12-“The First Millimeter: Healing the Earth!” Film for PBS from Holistic Management International on sustainability/sustainable livelihoods, top soil sequestration of CO2, holistic grazing management, etc. with Allan Savory & Dr. James Hansen, NASA (“… our agricultural practices could be modified to bring CO2 back down much more quickly… it’s a natural type of bioengineering to get CO2 back where it came from … and that will be an important part of solving the problem.” Hansen)
*Wupperman Little Theatre, Schuech Fine Arts Center, Texas Lutheran University campus.

November 9-“Toward Holistic Ecological Literacy/Sustainable Livelihoods from Public Schools”

December 14-“Sustainable Livelihoods in Local/Global Community: How Do We Realize Quality Life for All” Facilitated discussion among Siempre Participants—and Holidays Celebration

January 11-“Effectively Dealing with Global Climate Change” Marvel Maddox

February 8- “Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Reenergize America” Film from award-winning Kilowatt Ours Team, Nashville. “In his [film] journey [filmmaker Jeff] Barrie explores the source of our electricity and the problems caused by energy production including mountain top removal, childhood asthma and global warming. Along the way he encounters [many folk/entities] who are leading the way, using energy conservation, efficiency and renewable, green power all while saving money and the environment.”

March 8- “Yellow Bikes of New Braunfels” (A better transport system which is inexpensive, healthy and energetically- and ecologically-sound.) Shawn Soucie, Founder, New Braunfels.

April 12-“Community Gardening” Ray Stahl et al.

May 10-“Being Vegetarian” Sylvia Manning & Dr. Robin Bisha

September 13-“Environmental Justice & Related Poetry” Kamala Platt, University educator


Siempre Sustainable Network Programs through January 2011*

(Mosaic Community Church,
1201 W. Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155)

Meetings begin w/ a pot-luck meal @ 6pm
w/ a brief business meeting and the program following.

*Prior to this date we had presentations on: “a process of conservation & moving toward sustainable community”, “a holistic participatory decision-making process for moving toward a resilient & sustainable community”, “local/socially responsible organic farming”, “efficient & renewable energy systems”, “agricultural carbon sequestration”, “Seguin’s Walnut Creek Project”, “a Green mindset in our public schools?”, Just food systems, water law in Texas, an analysis of food systems, Holistic (Grazing) Management, ecological literacy, sustainable livelihoods, global climate change, “Yellow Bike Programs”, community gardening, vegetarianism, cosmology & water, CDSC in south central Texas, environmental justice in food systems & related poetry, … .

October 11–“Guadalupe County Initiatives to Help Us Become ‘Greener’” Cesareo Guadarrama III Guadalupe County Commissioner, Precinct 2

November 8–“Zero Trash? Future of/State of Curbside Recycling in Seguin” Mary Louise Gonzales, City Council-Seguin and Tom Evenhouse, District Manager, Solid Waste Services, IESI

December 13–“Is Basic & Applied Ecology Across the Curriculum a Possibility for Seguin ISD and How Might This Be Realized?” Dr. Jolene Yoakum, Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, et al., Seguin ISD

January 10—“Refundable Deposits on Beverage Containers (or ‘It’s Economically & Ecologically Sound: Texas Bottle Bill 2011’)” Patsy Gillham, Director, Plastic Pollution Texas

*Other presentations in 2011 will primarily be made on a wide range of conservation and sustainability issues by local folk involved in positively ethical applied community ecology.


Siempre Sustainable Network Programs for 2012

(Mosaic Community Church,
1201 W. Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155)

Meetings begin w/ a pot-luck meal @ 6pm
w/ a brief business meeting and the program following.

*Prior to these 2012 programs, we had presentations on: “a process of conservation & moving toward sustainable community”, “a holistic participatory decision-making process for moving toward a resilient & sustainable community”, “local/socially responsible organic farming”, “efficient & renewable energy systems”, “agricultural carbon sequestration”, “Seguin’s Walnut Creek Project”, “a Green mindset in our public schools?”, Just food systems, water law in Texas, an analysis of food systems, Holistic (Grazing) Management, ecological literacy, sustainable livelihoods, global climate change, “Yellow Bike Programs”, community gardening, vegetarianism, cosmology & water, CDSC in south central Texas, environmental justice in food systems & related poetry, county initiatives, Zero Waste, refundable deposit legislation, a wellness campus, art & sustainability, an anarchist’s view for remaking society, support for incarcerated, global climate change policy, need for equality, watershed management, ecological economics, ways to help Mexico, and Hispanic environmentalism … .

January 9—”Partnering for a Better Seguin: TLU Center for Servant Leadership” Tim Barr, Director, Moline CSL, TLU

February 13—“Guadalupe Co. AgriLife Extension Efforts Toward Whole Community Access to Nutritious Food” Amy K. Harris, Guadalupe County Extension Agent

March 12—“Toward Quality Life for the Poor & Disenfranchised, including other Species: TLU’s Approach” Lana Urbanek, Director of Auxiliary Services and Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Committee, TLU

April 9—“RSVP: Voluntary Movement of the Guadalupe County Area Toward Quality Life for All?” Stephen Doerr, Project Director RSVP of South Central Texas

May 14—“Appropriate Food Nutrition for All” Lesli Biediger-Friedman, Assist. Professor, Health and Kinesiology, UTSA

June11–“Conservation & Sustainability in Public School Systems: A View from the Trenches” Jolly Ann Ellis, Teacher/Writer/Poet, Seguin, TX

July 9–“Development of Common Good through Public Education Systems: My View” Dee Carter, Superintendent, Navarro ISD

August 13—”Town Hall’ Meeting On Sustainable Community Gardens” Angela Ludolph, LULAC Community Garden Intern & Dr. Paul B. Martin, SSN

September 10—“Religion, Spirituality, Values and Sustainability” Pastor Tim Bauerkemper et al. Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church

October 8—“Local Candidates Forum” Seguin Mayoral & Guadalupe County Judge Candidates

November 12—“With My Own Two Wheels” Pete Silvius, Outdoor Learning Educator, Seguin ISD



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