Mom Louise’s Mother’s Day and Birthday. 2020

My mother Louise had this letter (and photo) in her cedar chest (which seems to be bottomless). My sister Linda Louise gave it to me the other day … a few weeks before Mother’s Day 2020:

“14 May 1967

Dear Mother,

Today is Mother’s Day and I am sorry I’ve not done more Mother to make you proud that you are a mother. You’ve seen me do a lot of crazy things, but you’ve always sort of let them ride and seemed to still accept me for your son. Maybe someday I’ll be a parent and will be able to share some of those hurts and burdens I put on your heart.

I guess it’ll be some time before I understand what it is to be a parent, but until then I hope you do realize I do appreciate all the great things y’all have done for me. …

I really doubt if you’ll ever get repaid for the [wonderfully beautiful, peaceful and humble] life you’ve lived … on this earth anyway.

Thank you, Mother.

Paul Bain”

When I wrote this letter, I would have been up at Texas A&M in my first summer of working for a USDA Cotton Insects Research laboratory and being introduced to ecological management … but also doing many of the crazy things some Aggies do like spending too much time at the Lakeview Club and drinking too much ethanol.

(Above in the photo are: Mother (whose birthday this year is on Mother’s Day), my brother Lawrence whose birthday is on Earth Day (or rather, Earth Day is on Lawrence’s birthday), and me. [* ]

The whole original letter to Mom for Mother’s Day in 1967 is immediately below.)


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