Meaning of/in (human) Life/Nature.

I suppose I have to have hope in humanity (i.e., in its quest for scientific knowledge, humility, empathy, compassion, respect, discipline & integrity, and in its capacity for Truth & Prudence) … and hope for quality life for all!!??!! “Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology-PEACE” across curricula & campuses (EACC), of all human organizational entities, will enable us to critically think, and intelligently make critical decisions and take action toward!!??!! :

o redistribution of power resulting in empowering of the poorest across the hemisphere,

o knowledgeably, wisely, prudently reflecting on the resilience, sustainability, quality of: Nature versus Artificial

o proceeding forward with caution & tentativeness in actions of “artificialization”,

o sustainable livelihoods & light ecological footprints for all,

o holding corporations/small businesses/others accountable for externalities, pollution, all short-term & long-term costs and to not extract from Nature or to pass on their ecological debts/deficits on to future generations,

o weaning ourselves off of fossil energy and materials made from oil, coal, etc., including plastics, a universal single-payer health care [preventative health care & other health-care, quality drinking & recreational water, healthy food, basic fiber & shelter needs and other basic (Maslov) needs as rights versus capitalistic commodities],

o open borders,

o appropriate applied agroecology,

o setting 1/2 of the Eaarth (becoming Earth once again) aside for Nature as proposed by E.O. Wilson,

o using all means possible … including using flash protests … for realizing PEACE versus War.


[ 7 S’s / VV->^^ ]

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