Challenges. October 6th, 2020

I do realize my mental capacities, knowledge, and energies are limited and that I am extremely insignificant.

Nevertheless, I am secure and crazy enough to be willing to debate anyone from Stephen Miller to Dan Patrick to Don Keil (our Seguin Mayor) concerning local to global goals, plans, policy, actions, and sustainability assessments IF the debates are appropriately planned, organized, facilitated, fact-checked, and organized.

I can struggle through the weeds of the mess this world is in and attempt to sort it out and make sense out of it in terms of roads we may wish to travel from here.

Nevertheless, and in the meantime, more holistically I’ll stress that the real challenges are:

  1. disparity,
  1. rampant artificialization and overshoot of human consumption and human and domesticated species numbers and biomass,
  1. “drawdown” of the natural resource base (good topsoil, quality water, the right kind & amount of net primary productivity, and appropriate biodiversity), and
  1. a failure to abide by the Golden Rule, the Precautionary Principle, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and ecological principles & processes and values.

I am truly not overly enthused in having Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as world leaders for needed systemic change toward all living (in solidarity and peacefully) … sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly, sustainably. Nevertheless, they are decent statespersons who are trying to do good for all, there is a good chance that they will listen, and there is a possibility that they will perhaps help get the world on a track for quality life for all, including other species This is definitely not the case for Donald Trump, most Trumpians, and many Trumpsters* … and policies and actions of destructive neoliberal capitalism, conversion of Earth to Eaarth, and rape of the natural resource base and the have-nots of the world.

(*We desperately need ecology across the curricula & campuses of all human organizational entities.)

pbm ( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )

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