Hope? (November 7, 2020)

We can have some real hope

For young ones and those to come …


When we baptize them

And cleanse them of our original sins,

Sins against indigenous peoples and slaves,

Sins against those of color …

When we baptize them with robust local and global

Affirmative action and reparations,


When we throw out the money lenders who provide the capital

For the military-industrial complex, nuclear arms, other armaments (local and global),

And Wars,


When we rid ourselves of capital for ecological destruction.



I’ll have hope when we all begin learning

Ecological principles, processes, and values

And begin to realize the rights of health care for all in the world …

And sustainable livelihoods

Which are truly sustainable for all, …

Other species, the poor, … and the rich.



Joe and Kamala,


It will be tough.

You’ll have to be smart, work hard, and sacrifice much.

In solidarity!

“Please!” do give us some real reasons for hope.

Not for MAGA empires

With the lion’s share of the natural resource base

And power over Nature and the poor,

But for a U.S.A., a European Union, a China, a Russia, o Brasil, an Israel, a Mexico,

A Korea, a Philippines, an Egypt, a Hungary, a Venezuela, a Honduras, a Nicaragua,

An Iran, a Belarus, the Ukraine, the Congo, a Nigeria,

A Syria, a Yemen, an Afghanistan, a Somalia, an Iraq …

For Trump’s s-hole countries, for all our s-hole countries


Which will truly address collectively, transnationally,

In solidarity,

Social injustice, inhumanness, and ecological insanity.


Give us hope for a world without the power of billionaires,

A world which empowers the truly poor and relatively powerless

With physical and mental well-being, with Maslow’s needs,

Profound and holistic ecological health,

Concerted efforts toward scientific knowledge, wisdom, and prudence

And in route to critical thinking and appropriate decision-making

With transnational practice of the golden rule, the precautionary principle,

And abiding by the Second Law of Thermodynamics

As well as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

And Agenda 21.


Give us a world that respects Gandhism rather than Trumpism,

A world of individual lives and collective-connected life

Living in solidarity

Sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly,



We say to those to the mighty right,

“Your might, or wishes to be so, do not make right.

It is a sin. A mortal sin.  A deadly sin.  An ‘unforgiveable’ sin!”


To those on the left who point to and vehemently criticize the grave sins in the past,

Including the recent past

Of the long and exhaustive, billionaire-moneyed campaign

Of yours, Joe and Kamala, …

We say to our dear sisters and brothers on the left who are quick to point fingers,

“Joe and Kamala are relatively good people close (or closer) in values

To the truly good people of demos.”

Forgive them (and others to the left, AND the right, AND of the middle)

For their original, venial, mortal, deadly, “unforgivable” sins

And work towards their rehabilitation.

Force and support the appropriate and best use of their new powers.


Let’s all try, as hopeless as it might seem

To all lighten our ecological footprints,

Our energy transformation,

Our embodied appropriation of net primary productivity.

Let us all try to get along on this third rock from the sun–

On which we are de facto stuck–

Through actions affirmative and recent Paris Accords,

And even more robust justice system reforms than Trump’s incredibly good one,

Nuclear disarmament treaties and defunding our War Department,

The banning of other arms,

Defunding and disarming police

And getting them out of schools

In real efforts toward curing the root causes of social disease and disharmony.

Let us work toward regeneration and conservation and development

Of resilient, sustainable ecological community.


Let’s work toward realizing sustainable livelihoods in s-hole countries,

All of our respective s-hole countries here on Eaarth.


May we work to have Faith in ecological science,

To be charitable and to genuinely Love one another and all of Nature,

And realize real Hope.


Let’s all let our hearts bleed liberally for justice,

Hug some trees, and

Attempt to commune peacefully,

As positively ethical applied community ecologists,

For the good of the future progeny of Homo sapiens and other species,

For the good of Nature … dynamic homeostatic symbioses.


The challenges are great.

But the goals of Bernie and AOC and others of like minds

Are mostly good and their efforts admirable,

And they are achievable with appropriate and persistent strategic planning and action,

Effective monitoring, assessment, and replanning to right a course.


Joe and Kamala,


you all and Speaker Pelosi do have Mitch McConnell et al.,

The very red states, and the right-wing Supreme Court with whom to deal.

Still … keep your hopes up and persevere!  They all, we all, have SOME decency!!!


Some say our socio-ecological challenges are insurmountable.

Others posit that Capitalism based on the original sins

Of genocide of and Land grabs from indigenous peoples

And exploitation of Nature and relatively powerless humans

Is the best system possible

(Mostly, I think, because they are Haves who Have!).

Others say significant change from the current exploitive system,

Though needed,

Would be against their traditions, their tribe, their family,

The values of their spouse, significant others, loved ones.

They want their kids to have more

Even when their kids have more than enough more

And there isn’t enough for all kids, including kids of other species, to have more.

Perhaps loved ones don’t deserve to be loved so much??

Or rather, perhaps true love, though it may be perceived as callous tough love,

Is facilitating a learning toward living–and dying–in concert with all other life?


Seven to eight billion humans (going on TEN!)

And their substantially more numerous domesticated species

(Utilitarian species as well as sometimes only decorative house cats and dogs)

Artificialize and cover most of the globe.

And even though we’ve left little for wild species,

Many “humans” seem to want more

Which will inevitably eliminate these beautiful, natural creations of the wild.

More wanting more,

Worshipping at the altars of money and stuff and recreation.

Re-creating as if they were God

Rather than respecting and living in concert

With the real god, dynamic homeostatic symbioses.

Plowing, mowing, leaf-blowing

With millions of fossil fuel-driven machines,

Concreting, asphalting, plasticizing, building many relatively useless structures,

Trains of 18-wheelers and automobiles continuously traveling up and down the interstates

When real trains would be so much better ecologically,

Because laissez-faire capitalism demands it!

Hard-wiring of Earth with cables across land and sea.

Soft -wiring ubiquitously, currently with the latest capitalistic technology, 5G, across the airs

Because neo-liberal capitalism demands it!



Do I have hope.

Yes. …

Some hope.



Cuando empezamos a vivir sabiamente

Sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly,


In solidarity



( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )

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