poem number one
you bet!!!!!!!
i can get it in gear
and appear
to exude cheer
especially after a veneer
of substantial beer
poem number two
¡¡¡¡¡¡seguro que si!!!!!!
i’d like to write something very upbeat and happy yet truly profound
nevertheless the insignificance which comes forth now in this very moment from this being not renown
can be read and said without much effort no matter what the vocal sound:
“over seven billion … and their multitudes of domesticated biota transforming energies abound
and spread all over eaarth’s currently very artificial anthropocene ground …
… who select, support, and enable leaders who are certainly unwound
and not at all mentally or morally or ethically or suitably sound”
we Haves can continue to rock on and have plenty of pleasure and comfort as long as prisons, walls, and armaments … and ignorance and see-no-evil and complacency … abound and surround.
poem number three
Hey! “!#@%”
oh yea, oh yea, oh yea
the clouds are very gray
preparation for … they say …
… another impeachment day
( 7 S’s / VV->^^ )