Global (LOCAL) Mind Expansion1





Dynamic homeostatic symbioses2,3


Words I love


Mississippi sharecropper’s son, old friend Dr. Joe Lewis

In my circle of life, Mr. Semiochemical4 … stresses a need

For a new science-/sustainable community-based natural language

For all to use effortlessly, effectively,

Justly, humanely, ecologically, … PEACEfully5


I agree  (and generally feel we should remove pejorative words like “varmints,” “weeds,” “pests?”)


A more universal communicative language

Acquired locally by many

Across the globe

A language, vocabulary, communication

Developed through Positively Ethical Applied Community Ecology




Across curricula and campuses

Of all human organizational entities

Stretching the human mind such that

Local is global and global is local

Such that we truly live


Sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly, sustainably


And we communicate

Toward solidarity

Toward a holistic and profound

And delightfully natural

Prosperous way down6


1A “poem,” the writing of which, was triggered by a longer developing-poem.

2  “Beautiful!” in Polish; “incredibly beautiful or cute” in Portuguese; “deep, deep homesickness, emptiness, longing/loneliness for” in Portuguese; “stupid” in Spanish; a description of Nature including a sustainable human presence. … The meaning of pendejo (Spanish) can be a light “stupid,” “idiot,” or a very heavy “asshole,” depending on the context and the country in which you are.  It is best not to use it in Texas.

3  For lots of fun, read a little collection of fun articles (“Drink Cultura:  Chicanismo”, 1993) written by El Paso-raised Jose Antonio Burciaga.  It includes a very humorous article on pendejos.

4  A pheromone or other chemical that conveys a signal from one organism to another so as to modify the behavior of the recipient organism.  Google dictionary

5  Lewis, W. Joe, 2021.  A New Farm Language.  Acres U.S.A.

6  A book by ecological engineer, systems scientist, and brother (and sister-in-law) of Eugene Odum.  (Eugene and H.T. co-authored in 1953 the first widely used college textbook on ecology.):   Odum, H.T. & E.C. Odum. 2001.  The Prosperous Way Down.  Principles and Policies.  University Press of Colorado


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