bless me father (mother, others) for i have sinned

(one of my dearest & favorite biotic individuals

accused me once

of keeping some deep dark secrets


nevertheless, i don’t try very much

and for the most part au contraire

i do know that i do wear a bit too much on my sleeve


now … please indulge me, tolerate me,

and what is herein



these “poems,” my blog posts,

are mostly for me and mine

though I do hope that as a “normal” being

i do also somewhat serve you and yours)

sim, i am certain that moral, ethical humans must live

sabiamente, simply, smally, slowly, steadfastly, sharingly,

and sustainably … in solidarity


i personally desperately need others who are living morally & ethically to help me to do so


i was incredibly lucky

to have been provided in my life

with good genes from louise & alton

and a favorable environment

i am a Have with considerable power

as a white, straight male, & u.s. citizen with a doctoral degree

who speaks three languages fairly well

(though i am truly still a relatively illiterate country bumpkin)


the amazing good fortune i have had

contrasts with at least one-half of the world

mostly south of the tropic of cancer

having to live in more uncertain & perilous “comforts”

with the instability & insecurity largely a result

of policy & actions of we Haves

who meet certain warped & unjust white supremist-, ethnic-, cultural-, language-, religious-, sexual- “norms” …



herein i confess as a spoiled individual, as a Have,

that i have been a sinner

and i do ask for forgiveness


it’s not that i bear “white, macho, ‘american’ guilt” …

yes, i did have considerable guilt for many sins of which you preached padre …

but after about twelve years of age

i began to see that most of these crimes against humanity were not sins

and i began to shed the heavy burden of catholic guilt


still, my genes, epigenetic methylations & histone modifications , and environmental influences

compelled me toward empathy & compassion

and to attempt to share and help others–

Including those of other species

and other units in the hierarchy of ecological systems–

to continue to be

and to be at a high caliber of existence


“Less Is More”

(and this supports/is attached to the hip of an abidance to  …

  • the second law of thermodynamics,
  • an ethic of reciprocity,
  • pacifism,
  • the precautionary principle,
  • critical thinking & decision-making,
  • being a positively ethical applied community ecologist/PEACEmaker

yet i personally use too much food, fiber, shelter

and vehicles for transport

fossil material & energy

and stuff


oftentimes i do not practice what i preach

with regard to always appropriately using appropriate technologies

and in truly living simply, smally, slowly, & sustainably


i have been wrong …


in not vigorously and overtly

speaking out against military power

and for social justice  …


in lazily, comfortably working for, supporting, & voting for democrats

versus being Eaarth-changingly involved with the people’s party or the green party,

with democratic eco-socialism,

instead of supporting

earth-destructive consumerism, transnational corporations, capitalism,

exploitation of the poor & relatively powerless,

including other species



actually my GREATEST SHAME and sin is from my early twenties and thirties

as a Have exploiting poor and vulnerable have-nots

in college station, la grange, brownsville,

piedras negras, nuevo laredo, ciudad acuña, reynosa, matamoras,


(and chris hedges and bob jensen have recently been good whistleblowers

in my cranium & psyche)


once after a long & tiring evening of hiking (often lost)

i whipped the bare bottom of my dearest grandchild

because he refused to take a shower


in my youth shortly after high school

i found and unethically utilized

a precarious pseudo-peace

via the most dangerous drug … alcohol

and came close to killing self and others


these last three definitely involved mortal sinning

sometimes committed to just go along with the crowd

(even with a saintly younger brother)

but nevertheless

mortal sins

i am sorry for them

and hope i can be forgiven


i’ve sinned in dereliction of responsibilities and appropriate behavior

as a husband, lover, friend, confidant

of the one who is the best thing that happened to me

in my life of more than seventy-five years*


i did not do right in giving in–

at the lone star state’s department of agriculture–

to a farmers unionist’s pressure

and awarding what was clearly a poorly managed pest management association,


simply because they contributed to an election campaign


moreover, i was not right in using a discarded mimeograph master copy

of the amazing teacher dr. burke’s taxonomy test

which my graduate student boss had given me

(this supervisory friend had come upon it

while searching through the entomology department’s trash

for an upcoming test in a graduate-level course he was taking!)


also, sins were committed …

through causing my straight and level & saintly mom some considerable grief over the years

in passing my completed algebra II exam back to “Comadreja

in teasing and beating up on two of my brothers … & bill bowling and johnnye mabery


voting for most candidates of the democratic party,

and certainly of the republican party

is probably a sin

versus truly working relentlessly to change …

niebuhr’s immoral society

herman daly’s, david pimentel’s, h.t.odum’s, jason hickel’s et al. world of energy crises (and global climate/ecological change)

diamond’s, morton’s agrilogistics

robert jensen’s (essentially) dead world

mckibben’s eaarth



(sorry, … but I must stress at this point that being  …

an agnostic/ignostic


against neoliberal capitalism

anti-war and -the war machine  …

is not a sin

and anti-Trump, anti-Trumpism, anti-Trumpster

is a virtue


the democratic party generally supports capitalism

and a broken socio-political/economic system  …

but Trumpism is a con-game on steroids

of using this broken system of neoliberal capitalism

for self-serving, temporary, immoral & unethical gain)


i’ve committed many, many sins  …

mostly venial

they all pale in comparison

to those I committed in the cities mentioned previously herein


my atonement/self-imposed penance is:

outdoor teaching of positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE to children of all ages

volunteering in remote villages to improve the health of the animals and the people of latin america

attempts at PEACEmaking through the writing of poetry, essays, and books  …

and disseminating knowledge

(perhaps a good padre wouldn’t consider these aforementioned voluntary works to be penance

because i do immensely enjoy them

they do take effort, planning, time & energy

and for the most part i believe prayer, for penance & otherwise,

is a waste of time


[i must add that i will readily agree that meditation and deep thought

Is essential for good maintenance of self & community

and that these are essentially prayer

moreover, this “poem” is essentially “prayer”

as is good, informed group discussion

involving positively ethical applied community ecology/PEACE


and i suppose i do dream too much

which is essentially a form of prayer.



i am in robert jensen’s state of anguish

not anxiety …

i sleep very well most every night,

and sometimes during the day, even at the wheel!

not anxiety


not anxiety

but ANGUISH!!!


and hopefully I will work hard in this anguish

to produce such anguish in others

toward realization of somewhat of a neo-earth

and quality life for as many as possible

for as long as possible

and including individuals of other species




smartly learning in small “christian” cells

familial cells, amicable cells, intelligently-operated cells

of profound, holistic discussion, policy development, & action

spreading, communicating, critically-thinking and -decision-making

linking, intermeshing in solidarity, in communion with other cells

across Eaarth

to realize a neo-earth





*i am fortunate

to have taken this short ride of fifty-plus years

on this third rock from the sun

mostly in tx, fl, ga and on trips through all areas of the u.s.,

in brasil & other latin american countries,

and in poland & across europe by train from there to portugal

with Elizabeth “Betsy” Florence Hoffmann Martin


and last eve we imbibed together

Alejandro Escovedo

on the amazing Austin City Limits …


“Some people say the world’s a strange and evil place
And all the shadows fall across your face
Because the world’s a strange and evil place

Then others say because the sun shines every day
That we should live life come what may
Because the sun shines every day”


(Put You Down by Alejandro Escovedo)



7 S’s / VV->^^

Games We Play (

Normativity (and Humankind & Solidarity??) – PabloEco3500K (

Laws Which Guide Us Individually and Collectively Toward Quality Life for All* – PabloEco3500K (

To Kill! or Not to Kill? by paul b. martin – PabloEco3500K (

A Sick World of Plastic – PabloEco3500K (

Social Justice, Humaneness, and Ecological Sanity* – PabloEco3500K (

TRUTHS – PabloEco3500K (

The Starfish Parable – PabloEco3500K (

Enrolada* by paul bain martin (Jan 2007) – PabloEco3500K (

Sustainability Session in Plainfield, Massachusetts (June 2016) – PabloEco3500K (

It Takes a Village. Therefore … Blame the (Local/Global) Village for Success/Failure! – PabloEco3500K (

Games We Play (

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